Discussion: Pence Calls North Korea's Failed Missile Launch A 'Provocation'

is this something half-serious? source?

The other night Lisa Monaco from the Obama administration suggested placing sanctions on Chinese firms that do business with North Korea.



Yes. Nothing but the best for Chiselinā€™ Trumpā€™s visitorsā€™ logs.

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First Lady (Washington DC) and Commander of Internal Affairs Ivank Trump and Commander of Joint Chiefs Cuck Kushner are pretty much taking over in the White House. Ivank Trump has taken over the all the power from Reince Priebus. They are now going after Steve Bannon. It is just a matter of time in my opinion before Mike Pence is sidelined from policy decisions and could even be fired. He is already irrelevant and ignored. Bannon and he share the same white christian nationalist ideology that Ivank Trump is trying to replace with Russian-moles and their kleptocrats associated with their money laundering activities.

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Heā€™s the veep and they canā€™t fire him. He has to be impeached to be removed or he has to resign.


You are right. More likely, he will be just sidelined and shut out from the meetings of the family, the military junta, the Russian moles and the kleptocrats from the money laundering businesses.

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North Korea: So why dont you do something about it? Chicken?
China: Yes, why dont you?
Russia: Yes, WTF can you do?


Mike Pense makes a wonderful moving target.

It has nothing to do with being a civilizing influence.

They will require the President to order any action against the PRK. It could very easily lead to massive civilian casualties and economic disruption. They arenā€™t taking that risk without the cover of an order from the President. They wonā€™t even come to the President with options unless he requests them.

Discussing possibilities with counterparts is something the military does routinely. It is their job to discuss and plan for many possibilities, even ones that they really, really hope will not become necessary.


Well, if you are a hammer you are in search for a nail, and they are career military officers. Of course they will discuss any possible military angle to take on NK.

But they are not the quintessentially enemy of the people, that one was installed by a wave of deplorable votes.

North Korea called Pence an offensive ā€˜Quayleā€™

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Letā€™s see how long it takes her to figure that out.

But credit where credit is due. After she learned what the word ā€œComplicitā€ means, she clearly tries to be more pro-active.



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We live in a surreal world in the Trump Family administration. The unimaginable and fantastical frequently becomes fact.

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Isnā€™t Pro-active the thing that the First Lady (Washington DC) Ivank Trump uses to keep zits, white heads and black heads and oozers away? Or does she use Complicit for that and to clean the plastic-ware.


They donā€™t call him Mike Dense for nothing.


I know some of them personally (which means it is borrowed knowledge for me, too), and believe that your impression is correct.

George W. really wrecked a multinational structure and process that was at least managing the PRK. Obama was restoring some of that capability, but was hampered by GOP opposition to his policy. Trumpp has probably sidelined effective diplomatic management for at least a generation rather than just for a presidency. We are lucky that we at least got the Iran agreement done before he took office. That agreement might not survive Trumpp if Bannon regains influence, but it may be that Trumpp blames Bannon and his advice for some of the bad press and bad polling of the past few months.

Just an aside about the PRK ā€“ an organization I worked for hosted some midlevel government officials for a US tour focusing on education and economic development, and one of the things that the PRK group told us in advance that they wanted to do was to visit a KFC franchise and learn how it operated. There may have been a window of opportunity for fried-chicken diplomacy.


Chris Christie, during his latest visit to the White House. They were out of meatloaf.


A provocation indeed.