Discussion: PA Supreme Court Unveils New Voting Maps, Republicans Likely To Sue

Sounds good! Obviously my own quibble is facetious. Cool beans for you voting in a pretty hot contest. Early and often!

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The only way Republicans can win is by Cheating, they canā€™t win on a level playing field so they Gerrymander, suppress the vote by finding ways to keep or make voting difficult for Democrats, and by stacking the US Supreme Court. That will only last for so long and so far, and then the roles reverse when people have had enough, and the people have had enough.

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Thank you! Iā€™ve always wondered what the equivalence of shitload to metrics was.

I wonder how rulings like this will affect Illinois. We have creative districts that favor dems.

Whatever else we do, Democrats have to be for democracy. All the time, in all ways, scrupulously, and fairly. Not just because itā€™s the right thing to do in the abstract. Not just because, by pure coinkydink, it turns out to be in our electoral interest. Not even because we call ourselves ā€œDemocrats.ā€ But because we need to send the message that democracy itself is under seige and at risk and weā€™re fighting for it, the way weā€™ve been fighting for it since we first told the segregationist kluckers to go fuck themselves into the GOP if thatā€™s how they felt in 1964.

Weā€™ve lost track of the reality that democracy itself as at the core of our identity. Weā€™re constantly being rapped for ā€œnot standing for anythingā€ because we think good policy sells itself and policy proposals are the same thing as marketing. Whenever we try to dumb things down into digestible talking points, we get held to a standard of 100% truthfulness, accuracy and completeness that Republicans never face. (ā€œIf you like your insurance, you can keep it!ā€)

But ā€œDemocrats for Democracy: Because Democracy Itself is On the Lineā€ is good branding. It puts Republicans on the defensive on the merits of their ideological madness, it says what we stand for and it is the unifying theme for enough of of those detailed policy proposals in the long, tedious white papers on the website to give people something to tie them together.

Building the middle class: because itā€™s essential for democracy. Raising taxes on rich people: because no democracy can survive the kind of concentration of wealth and power Republican regressive tax policy has created. Civil rights, voting rights, education.

But, Democrats being Democrats, theyā€™ll have to talk it to death and pick it to pieces . . .


Iā€™m a statistician, and Iā€™ve looked at the problem in some depth. We can develop scoring algorithms, but in the end choices have to be made. I donā€™t want machines making the choices ā€“ I want people making the choices who understand that they are responsible for the choices.

Iā€™m not happy with the compromise we are being presented here, but Iā€™ll end up voting for it because itā€™s a damn sight better than what currently exists.


And for the record, Iā€™m just fine if the list contains exactly one name: Merrick Garland.


Actually, that was the argument used by George W. Bush in his re-election campaign. Basically, he claimed that no one knew more about the mess he had made than he did, so he was the one best qualified to fix it. Didnā€™t work out that way.


Is this true?


That oneā€™s beyond belief.

Hereā€™s the whole state. Pretty kinky from Pittsburg to Harrisburg too:

Thatā€™s a well-done thread. Would recommend people click and see the whole thing, itā€™s not long.



If the GOP plans to sue, they might want to try a better legal argument than Trumpā€™s ā€œI hate Blacks and Muslims!ā€ approach.

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WHAT? And make the GOP win an election the old-fashioned way?

verrrrry interestingā€¦


If I was a voter in that contest, I would vote for it as well. I was only commenting on the issue in a general way.

And historically, I do not think that a sense of personal responsibility for the result, has served us well. In the current environment, Republicans are quite happy to claim responsibility for what theyā€™ve done for their party. Anyhow, I donā€™t think that a machine would do a worse job than we have seen so far. Just donā€™t give it the nuclear codes and we should be fine.

Thatā€™s like insanely messed up. Itā€™s taken so long to get this thru the courts. To quote another TPM commenterā€¦ this is crapola. Hope the new districts stick.

Best that can be said was that it was both innovative and interesting. What manner of hormone fueled drug laced gathering of GOPers led to their map anyhow :frowning:

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But they LOST big in federal court as the PA Supreme Court ruled against the earlier map as violating the PA Constitution. Why would there be a different outcome here?

For anyone who is concerned about the PA GOPā€™s lawsuit, hereā€™s the most likely scenario - the appeal is filed in the circuit court, the case will likely be thrown out, or if heard, be called in favor of the state Supreme Court since the federal courts tend to give State Supreme courts the say in state matters. The state also has the past maps the GOP submitted along with all testimony to use against the state GOP, which is pretty damning.


Should? Yes.

But does?