Discussion: PA Supreme Court Unveils New Voting Maps, Republicans Likely To Sue


A bigly Fuck You to Jim Crow’s cousin, Gerry Mander


Then there’s this…

Is Conor Lamb the Next Big Democratic Upset?
This 33-year-old Marine has a chance at winning one of the GOP’s most reliable districts.


Monday’s order means a new map is to take effect in the May 15 primary. Republican lawmakers are expected to quickly challenge it in federal court, arguing legislatures and governors, not courts, have the constitutional responsibility to draw congressional maps.

Must. Save .Goofy!


This is a good thing…and, it’s bad optics for Republicans to try to stop this, especially once the facts start being reported more openly. No one likes a cheater, and with PA split so closely in vote but their political system strongly weighted towards Republicans the only explanation is they are cheating. Defending their cheating is only going to make people more mad, and work harder to throw them out of power.

This is why it’s important to do it right when the pendulum swings back…I hear lots of people saying “screw the Republicans” when Democrats have power, but it’s far better, and going to get far more people on the road to making things better, if Democrats try to be honest and fair instead of doing the same things Republicans do. All that does is encourage “they are all the same” attitudes and keep the current disaffection going. At every juncture, liberals have to show that we are the better choice, morally and otherwise…that’s how we win the hearts and minds of middle of the road and apathetic Americans who think nothing matters.


Whatever happened to the GOP’s reverence for states’ rights? The PA Supreme Court held that voters had the right to fair districting under the Pennsylvania constitution. This is a matter in which the state has the final say. They tried to go to the Supremes before and were correctly turned down. Doubt they fare any better this time.

Now if the Pennsylvania Court would hold that all voting machines had to have an auditable paper trail…


But Donnie’s going to campaign hard for PA GOP’ers, and particularly Saccone…

That’s gotta help bigly. right?

Oh, wait, Obama came in 8th best (That’s gonna leave a mark)…

Trump comes in last in expert presidential rankings survey


Well, you know… It’s “States Rights for me and NOT for Thee” Becuz Crooked Hitlery and all that.


Yeah. I thought Dem LibTURDs like ART!

This is an OUTRAGE!!! This redistricting might mean that congressional representatives in Pennsylvania will represent the majority of the people.


The Republicans have known for years that the only way they can win elections is to cheat, gerrymander districts or suppress voting rights.

We can thank Karl Rove for this crime against our Democracy and voting rights.

The time is ripe to rip them a new one!


I hope so. Because I have a feeling they’re just hoping to drag this out long enough so the new map won’t be applicable to the November elections. Considering campaigns have filing deadlines and stuff, the clock is ticking.


Uh, I don’t think so, PA GOP. Basically you’re suggesting to the judge that as the defendant you’re the one who injured the plaintiff, which confers on you the understanding needed to determine exactly what the damages should be. I’ve heard reasoning like this called “intriguing,” “resourceful,” and “creative” in various legal settings.


In these here parts, we call it “crappola”…


Equal to a ‘shitload’ which is 36.4 liters of of dry goods or liquid.


They are probably going to argue that the court’s map would violate the Elections Clause of the U. S. Constitution, which says “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations.” This was the provision that was used to challenge an Arizona referendum that required districts to be drawn by an independent commission.


One of the last PA voting districts to come in used unauditable machines. It stayed out until Philadelphia was counted.


“Republican lawmakers are expected to quickly challenge it in federal court, arguing legislatures and governors, not courts, have the constitutional responsibility to draw congressional maps.”

Article 1, Section 4 of the US Constitution supports this. However, if one uses one’s constitutional rights illegally (such as owning a gun for use in robberies or murders), that right comes into question. The current map violates PA’s constitution, and so did the lege’s proposed revision.

But I understand why the GOP’s going to sue.


Depends how wryly professorial the commenter feels like being that day. : )


Yup, GOP is getting perilously close to the classic definition of chutzpah here.


Yeah, the GOP must steal elections in order to survive. The principle of equal representation is just another ‘hoax’.

What an argument!