Unsure of your question. The Supremes did decline to weight in although we can be certain that Justice Alito uncovered every stone looking for a means to do so.
Whatever comes down next will say much about where the courts stand on states rights in 2018.
I find this a highly gratifying event. I was beginning to wonder if we’d ever see this. I found it maddening that courts could not have found this a violation of equal protection long time ago. Jeez, under a gerrymander, my vote would only be worth, say, 1/3 the vote of a GOPer. I live in a highly gerrymandered GOP district, full of Trumpistas, gun nuts, Fox viewers and Limbaugh slugs. It’s maddening. Our GOP congress guy votes straight line GOP. He’d vote to legalize something as repulsive as cannibalism if his party wanted that. He just wants that paycheck. He’s a double dipper retired colonel.
Reynolds v Simms: State districting must meet the “Equal Protection” requirements of the Constitution, which means that redistricting must not have as its purpose a goal to value some voters (and votes) over others.
Let them sue. Please Jeebus. Let them sue. Let the whole country see what a bunch of lying, un-American, fraudulent hypocrites these ‘PA Republicans’ are. Please.
Willing to claim responsibility to your partisan allies is very different from being willing to claim responsibility to the citizenry writ large.
I do think a machine could do worse than we’ve seen so far. Algorithms based on machine learning can be impenetrable and frequently contain hidden biases in the form of apparently innocent proxy variables.
Dems have flipped districts which went for PP by bigger margins than 20 percentage points. But it’s easy to imagine “married mistress” and “abortion” won’t go down easy with a lot of people
PP’s term is far from over. He could blunder us into war and then what ranking he could have, like off the chart entirely? Silver doesn’t seem to understand the chaos that PP has thrown the country into which would account for his abysmal ranking and the sense of hopelessness we feel about the republic.
You can vote against the one who ostensibly represents me … I think … because I’m not totally sure where he actually lives, and whether that’s still in the district.
Costello. was a Chesco Commissioner, so I guess he does still live here.
Help us get rid of him!!
But will the courts see it that way? (I ask rhetorically.) The reasoning for any appeal looks shoddy from any angle. How would the GOP have standing in an appeal? A lawsuit looks like a waste of time and money.
If I recall, the constitution gives states the right to determine their districts… but if a state’s law requires the state court to do it… the feds are a bit tied up, no?