Just think, there will be others who now can…
A Democratic majority would not have to repeat McConnell’s assault on the clear meaning of advice and consent. All they would have to do is reinstate the 60 vote majority requirement for Supreme Court nominees and then filibuster every nominee put forth by the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation.
Thing is, it puts him in a more solidly conservative district. They sliced and diced my more liberal one and attached me to his.
In this one case, I agree with you. The Democratic Majority Leader should give Trump a list of acceptable candidates and tell him, “Appoint your choice from this list, or pound sand.”
My brother is in Montgomery county… can’t wait to hear his thoughts… he is a reliable dem, and will vote against any repub if that is the guy you are after.
Yes agreed, we need to be square. If Trump nominates Garland, he is in, otherwise, just no
He’s a stout fella I’m sure but my current jackass is Smucker, in Lancaster County. Terrible down-the-line wingnut. He’s a normal human being in manner, we don’t go for the firebreathers so much, but a wingnut all the same. Votes with Trump 98.3 percent of the time…
Which rep is it??
I’m not an election-law expert, but hard to see a federal court stepping in now after the Republican challenge to the original ruling was turned down all the way to the Supreme Court. And I should think that no federal judge will stop the map from being used while the challenge is ongoing.
And Dems could appeal to SCOTUS that already ruled in their favor if a federal court does kill this map, right?
Lloyd Smucker, (no, spell check, his name isn’t “Sucker” that’s just a thing he likes to do), PA-16. R, just to be clear.
In my district, PA 10 soon to be 12, we use those Diebold machines without paper back-up. These machines replaced the punch card method we had before that. I’d lived in other states and I’d never encountered anything so sketchy.
Yes, but at that point you’d have to wonder, given some of the yahoos on that court.
I don’t know what that thing is supposed to be, but here’s the actual Supreme Court drawn map.
Oops, someone beat me to it.
You really are in a Jam…
Defeating the Republican love of the Gerrymander. In a very real sense this is the crux of the whole thing. We won’t get a second bite of this apple.
Please. Times are hard enough.
They could, but the SC did not “rule” on it, they merely did not take on the case or stay the ruling while the other Gerrymandering case was in front of them.
Since the case was turned away by the one of the biggest Republican hacks on the court (Alito) that tells me they are unlikely to jump in now.
I think we need an approach that uses algorithms and math rather than people making decisions. We should ask a committee of mathematicians to design something that would remove people from the process as much as possible. Then design a good appeals and modifications process around it (or continue using the courts as a last-ditch defense).
Same here. I get a chance to vote for Lamb (and against Saccone) in the special, and then it looks like I’m getting wrapped into solidly-blue Pittsburgh.