Discussion: Oregon Militiamen Appear To Be Readying For Trial Against Sheriff, U.S. Attorney and Judge

A critical mass of idiots is required by law to commit sedition. Only a million or so frothing homicidal maniacs terrorizing We The People hasn’t yet risen to that critical mass. Never will because once a million is reached, we’ll reach for the next critical mass at 2 million. Eventually we’ll have all armed and dangerous thugs threatening all of us while the FBI laughs at us for our cowardice at not taking them out. Whose job is it anyhow to protect us from terrorism? We the PEOPLE apparently. Forget federal protection from terrorism. We The People are all on our own now. No feds such as the FBI or Homeland Security even exist in reality, in name only seems to me.

So while all this “shaming” is going on, what are those who are legitimately in fear of the safety of their loved ones right now supposed to do? Keep hiding behind their locked doors with their guns loaded? How long does the “shaming” need to go on? Two weeks? A month? Six?

Your blithe unconcern for the physical safety of those actually getting harassed right now is bizarre.


High Cyclops Megajudge.


As the Oregonian reported, however, Doucette’s plan was to appoint a “grand jury” of 25 local residents who would “convene in private and make its decisions in private.”

LOL! Right…because there’s sure to be no sampling bias and all the sane, educated people in town are totally going to be willing to jump on board and participate in this giant “let’s pretend” charade…

BTW, not only is he not a judge, but there’s also no such thing as the “United states Superior Court.” “Superior Court” is generally reserved to state trial court level and not even all states call their trial level court a “Superior Court.” It should have been noted that the dude is an imaginary judge of an imaginary court.

I’m starting to feel like we’re reaching a sort of Orwell-meets-Kafka point as a society as a result of the Great White Freakout…


OK, so occupy demonstrators get faces full of pepper spray and get shot in the head with bean bags but these doughy self important white good ole boys get to come and go as they please?

Send in Sheriff Joe with his taser crew. Make these guys wear pink undies and live outside in flimsy tents. Just tell Joe that they jumped the border into Oregon and don’t have papers on them.


All you need is camo and conditioner.

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What are you talking about? There is nothing preventing the local police from enforcing the laws necessary to keep the jerks who are driving around and harassing people from doing so. I’m speaking about those who are within the sanctuary.

What exactly do you recommend then? Lay it out there. Bombing? SWAT raid? Drones? What exactly do you expect the federal government to do about those men that won’t immediately backfire and serve to rile up the morons who believe these things? All these guys have are their bravado. That’s it. Use that against them and let them make total fools of themselves.

EDIT: There is nothing that will undermine this movement faster. These guys fancy themselves leaders, but they realize they are being laughed at and everyone else is watching this movement become a joke. All you need to see is the video of that dude talking about the dildos they are being sent.


Why equate the two? Why presume Fed hasn’t learned something? Why presume the two cases are the same, when they are not?

  • They’re far from home;
  • They’re trespassing;
  • They’re imploding from within;
  • They’re not pointing guns at Federal employees
  • They’re being laughed out across a wide swath of the electorate
  • They are further marginalizing their “grievances”
    Yes, they are harassing local folks and that sucks. And they will go to jail (see another story which mentions Fed plans to bill Ammon himself $70K per day of “occupation”.

Why equate the two? Why over-react and thus validate their bullshit paranoia?


Occupy protesters weren’t armed.


You’re right, as far as we know these guys didn’t aim dozens of weapons at federal agents.

Which you would think is a serious crime. Probably more serious than squatting in a temporarily closed building.

But those guys got to walk away.


It’s like when folks in the Klan are titled “Grand Wizard.”
They’re not really wizards; they’re just muggles.
And probably not all that grand, either.


Yes, and that was fucking ridiculous. The answer, however, isn’t to stomp on top of these guys in response to a serious blunder at the Bundy ranch. Two different situations and these guys are imploding.

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As I have already written here several times, I specifically do not believe that military-style assaults with gunships and armored vehicles are necessary. What’s necessary is basic law enforcement procedures that are routinely used by the FBI, Justice Department, and virtually every other branch of law enforcement every day of the week. Because of the fact that these clowns have crossed state lines and occupied a federal facility and are specifically arguing that the federal government has no jurisdiction, they have turned this into a federal issue, not merely a local one. On top of that, the local sheriff is undoubtedly at a significant disadvantage in terms of manpower and vehicles, since a small town of this size never has a large police force. This is a completely unique situation that calls for a federal response of conventional law enforcement, and so far there has been none. Meanwhile the residents who are on the front lines in their homes and on their streets are nervously looking over their shoulder wondering what’s coming next.


Isn’t it? The proper response to Waco and Ruby Ridge was, apparently, to treat these guys better than most people arrested on a misdemeanor.

By not reacting to this situation, in the light of the Bundy one, reinforces the precedent of the Bundy fuckup. Which is why they even went and did this in the first place. And the gentle kisses that this one is getting as a “response” will make the next one happen again, only bigger and bolder.


What basic law enforcement procedures? Law enforcement is making the call to let them implode. It’s the right call at this time. These guys will have their trial and they’ll go home. I seriously doubt the residents of this town want a government standoff that will just bring the best and dumbest of the rest of the militia folk to their small town. All those jerks who are actually looking for a fight and will come if they can get one.

EDIT: spelling

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The little Idiocracy on the Prairie, Judge Hank “The Hangman” BMW presiding:

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How would over-reacting to this situation mitigate the errors made in that one?


How can you be a “sovereign citizen” and a US Judge? I can see how you’d be neither but both?

My Grandmother, like yours used to say “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile”. No shit. In this case we started right out by giving them a mile…why not this?


They’re actually directly related. The Bundys are simply the most visible proponents of a low-intensity rebellion that’s been going on all over the west by white people who reject the authority of the United States government, which the Bundys specifically claim. This mentality is precisely what’s behind the numerous and ongoing numbers of assaults and attempted murders of Forest Service and BLM employees, and is behind the purposefully provocative cavalcade of off-road vehicles into a protected area in Utah last year. It’s the mentality behind the open and flagrant disregard for regulations prohibiting the use of ATVs in sensitive environmental areas out west.

Making fun of these lunatics and “shaming” isn’t going to do a damn thing to prevent more of this, as long as there are no real, practical consequences. They don’t give a shit about “shaming” thrown at them by commenters on progressive blogs.