Discussion: Oregon Militiamen Appear To Be Readying For Trial Against Sheriff, U.S. Attorney and Judge

as in, Shania Law? because I love that.


As Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, I have notified the local officials of Harney County that the Associate Justices and I have preemptively ruled in their favor on all appeals. And we have suspended Judge Doucette from the bench. So there.


Trump: White Power Baby.

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Its nice they are practicing for their own trials


“The wife of a police officer in the community set up cameras in her neighborhood and caught what she said was militiamen just sitting in a truck in her driveway for up to 40 minutes at a time.”

Yeah, this woman should just suck it up and let it continue.

"A local pastor–who had been outwardly opposed to the presence of the militiamen at Malheur– shared with the Oregonian that individuals had drove to his home, yelled something at him and later, slowly trolled by his office. “I thought if these guys know where I live, that’s not going to be healthy for the safety of my family,” the pastor told the paper.

Yep, what’s the big deal. Just let it continue. Ha ha, these militiamen are morons.

I’m sure if it was your daughter seeing those thugs parked in front of her house, you’d be saying, “Let it continue.”


Well, we don’t have to HELP them in their delusions.

Even worse, what is the difference between this and the guys who pretend to be cops, pull you over on the road and then try to order you out of your vehicle?


So true. How about those people that think babies are sinners the moment they exit the womb, and that some guy stopped breathing for several days and then came back to life? Weird. Takes all kinds. Damn, looks like we may be in for a hard rain, I better start on that boat that’s going to save a mating pair of every damned animal on the planet. Busy, busy, gotta go…


It’s high time the Bundies and their buds get arrested so there can be an actual trial with a real judge and a real jury…


Nope, we don’t want to do anything to make Republicans mad out there, because elections.

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Pardon me for noticing, but these Ya’llQueda dudes have evolved into ISIL.


That was my Twain of thought.


OK, fine, but the moment they mistreat a firearm…


Is it sedition yet?


Of course not. I was referencing the ‘trial’ and the idea that 25 of the locals they are currently harassing are supposed to judge the outcome. The logic is obviously flawless.

They are doing more damage to their cause than anyone else could ever do. They are running out the patience of the locals and it will be the same in the other communities where people like this continue to act like morons. These people think they are tough enforcers of the American way, shaming them is the best course forward.

EDIT: Actually, letting them make mockeries of their own cause is the best way forward. They are doing a bang up job.


And according to the locals they have been for a long time.

So, at what point do they suffer consequences for it?


Yep, just like Nevada. It was great to see Cliven Bundy go to jail for refusal to pay the millions in unpaid grazing fees he owed US taxpayers. Boy, the Feds really stuck it to him, didn’t they?


As a self proclaimed judger of great doucheries past and present, I am so relieved they got a real pretend judge to boost the stature of mere honest-to-God jerk offs. Now they are way more than that. They have attained a level not seen since Trump last spoke… And I am sure they got real pretend search warrants from this respectfully unlearned and fully biased judge for all those government documents they rifled through.


Actually precedent was set with Ruby Ridge and Waco. Now they want to avoid those kinds of that fiascoes. Thing is they are treating these terrorists like we used to treat airplane hijackings prior to 9/11. Just wait them out, take them where they want top go etc. Those tactics with hijackers worked back then but they wouldn’t work today. And waiting out domestic terrorists isn’t the way to do it today.

When in college we had sit ins and took over admin buildings we couldn’t leave and come back at will. These guys shouldn’t be able to either.


White christian sharia law.


There is no such thing as a US Superior Court judge. There is no US Superior Court. (Only district, court of appeals and supreme.) May as well call him a US Inferior Court judge.