I wonder if our political and legal institutions would be able to control him. If our country finally is destroyed, it will be over something so petty as the wounded ego of a narcissist. Trump is exactly the kind of leader the framers of our Constitution tried to make impossible. But here we are – standing on the precipice of despotism.
I know. She has that far-away look of a cult member. Something is definitely off.
Omarosa, you’ll be the one bowing down to the prosecutor when she asks what you knew about this scampaign and when you knew it.
I immediately recognized what she was doing and I hope it turns off other Christians who should recognize it immediately too.
Romans 14:11:
“For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
And anyone who grew up in the black church knows “He Is Lord” and the refrain:
Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord.
"It is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful man woman in the universe.”
There, FIFY.
and she says that the “ultimate” revenge for this idiot will be to win the presidency. wouldn’t the ultimate revenge have been to beat obama in 2012? yeah, it would have been. and he didn’t. because he was too scared of what he knew what would happen – he’d have gotten mud-stomped by obama … again. so he didn’t try. BECAUSE HE’S A COWARD (see also, being a coward in his meeting with the mexican president, being a coward with the woman minister, etc.).
She said that months ago.
It’s the panic of realizing “this is all I’ve got left”.
“Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to president Trump,”
Bow down? Apparently, The Donald plans to turn The United States into The Monarchy.
I will call this click-bait, as this is a rehash of the same Omorosa story done in mid-August 2016. I can’t believe TPM is running out of Drumpf absurdities?
Nah, that’s a unique barrel in that it has no bottom.
You mean when Omarosa is kissing President Hillary’s butt??
I’d pay to see that!
The words she is saying should be inspiring dread in any American, but instead this Trump courtesan pig is talking about the end of our constitutional democracy with absolute glee.
True, they’re way short of Nazi Germany – in that only 22% of them are in favor of a genocide-suicide pact.
Trump, paraphrasing George Costanza:
I think I could be
a philanthropistPresident. A kick assphilanthropistPresident! I would have all thismoneypower and people would love me. Then they would come to me and beg! And if I felt like it, I would help them out and then they would owe me big time! The first thing I’m going to need is a driver.
Greatest danger since Hitler and Mussolini, and in a very much the same way situation. Disgruntled voters without full knowledge of what our representative form of democracy really is. Talked to a friend yesterday, a civil engineer, and was saddened that this friend is supporting Trump.
Trump and his supporters really are sociopaths. They’ve spent 24/7 since Obama was elected questioning his legitimacy, but Obama tells a joke about it, and they play they aggrieved victims? Narcissism doesn’t even begin to describe it – they are full-blown sociopaths.
The whole Bernie-or-bust thing is as oversold as PUMAs were in 2008. Stop worrying about them and focus on getting out the vote.
I’d hate to be a Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine, if Omarosa’s crush became President, God forbid. The cost of Rump’s revenge would come straight out of my hide.