Discussion: Obama: We Will Not Send U.S. Troops Back Into Combat In Iraq

Doing something on Iraq = taking sides between Sunni and Shiite.

Or, better yet, siding with extremists or Iran/Syria. Aint worth it.

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I bailed before they did the full facebook crap—because I had technical problems that they refused to acknowledge or fix.

It’s become a very stupid site, with almost all the great folks who made it big now at other sites like this one.


We should be happy their back. They’ve been discredited, and very few outside of the Republican bubble take them seriously.

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Amen, brother.

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Please tell me that “into combat” isn’t some sort of weasel wording.

Into combat = combat troops.

Will we have special forces on the ground offering guidance? Of course. Probably a ton of recon.

I think…

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Whew. We dodged a bullet there. Literally.

Back when I was in grad school one of my professors predicted this EXACT outcome if we invaded Iraq. He spent probably 20 minutes on how it would happen, and it was all drawn from an understanding of the iraqi population and culture. He did just some basic sociology work based on his knowledge and research on the area - you know, something you’d think Bush could have done.

And now 10+ years later he was 100% right. We destabilized the country, spent TRILLIONS of dollars on a pointless war, ran up the debt… oh, and it’s Obama’s fault.


don’t worry… they’ll be supporting airstrikes and a second invasion by monday in light of the coverage. just look at how public sentiment has turned against bergdahl.

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I’d be singing O Canada at sports events.



Then again, we’ll have Americans getting killed as soon as units containing “advisors” is attacked.

Here’s the list of countrys which have won wars against insurgents.


well, maybe the United States in the Civil War. But when I consider the sack of shit that victory left us with I’m reluctant to call it anything like a true victory.


Not even then. It took American generals with a standing regular army – backed by French money, ships, and blood – to inflict enough losses against the British to make them realize that the fight wasn’t worth the cost.

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Reihan Salam sought out the advice of the Kagan’s for his most recent writing about Iraq.

How funny is that?

Hey, there was a banner and everything!

You can totally win a war against insurgents as long as you are allowed to declare what counts as the end of the war.


MSNBC is now experiencing the full throated folly of the Comcast sale and having Phil Griffin in the driver’s seat.

Almost the entirety of the media has such amnesia on this clusterf*ck of a war, it depresses me.


Our biggest mistake was not reentering Vietnam in 1979.

Look how that turned out.


I’m not so sure about that. Why do they keep getting a seat at the table, or an invitation to spout their bullshit on Sunday shows, and occupy most of the false narratives on MSNBC until they finally put on their evening line-up to dispute some of these fools and their contentions?

If they’re so discredited why does the media keep writing about them as if their opinion is rooted in some knowledge base that no one else has access to, without mentioning that in fact they have long since been discredited. Even the NYT still writes articles quoting these assholes without mentioning their historically discredited opinions.


I also left huffpo. Nice to see familiar folks here.


Iraq was a non-problem before Bushco perpetrated the mess we see today.

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“While we all agree the invasion of Iraq was a major mistake, at least we got control of the tons of WMDs they had.”

This will soon become the right’s talking point, and soon after, it will become reality on FOX News.

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