Discussion: Obama: We Will Not Send U.S. Troops Back Into Combat In Iraq

SRfromGR, I take solace in the fact that each cable news channel has less than 1% of Americans watching it at any given time.

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Now that there is no effective border between Syria and Iraq, the only thing keeping Maliki from heading to Switzerland is the Iranian military that is propping him up.

W must be so proud of his hand-picked “President of Iraq.”

And all the neo-cons are dreaming anew of Middle Eastern conquests to feed their insatiable desire for more war.

And why is anyone listening to effing Ken Pollack?
HE was one of the architects of the whole Iraq clusterfuck—yet he’s being trotted out as some kind of “expert” on Iraq.

Pollack couldn’t find Iraq on a map—and he couldn’t find his own ass with both hands, a roadmap, a search warrant, a flashlight, and three people to help him.


Yeah, Mr. President! Thank you for making the obvious become Maliki’s reality. And that is, there must be a change in Maliki’s leadership and it must begin NOW!

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Lets just build a border wall around Iraq. We’ll use the type Republicans want on the Mexican borders. Maybe even a moat.

I left about a year ago when the inanity became overwhelming. I visited occasionally (to see how many of my 1000 fans I lost) and got mired in the thoroughly unusable FB commenting quagmire. Never went back.


Their comments board was a cesspool well before this Facebook switch - haven’t been there in years, and I can’t imagine that I would ever return.

I’m no Luddite, but I will never be found on Facebook or Twitter.


Its not going to change. The math makes it impossible. In fact, the math makes sectarian war inevitable.

I think the US won the US-Philippines war. Pretty brutally.

HP was a good venue for left to debate righties.

A few years ago, I heard former Secretary of State Baker speak at Rice Univ. In his speech, he said “After the first Gulf War, I was always asked ‘Why didn’t we invade Iraq after liberating Kuwait?’ I never get asked that question now.”


Aw, and Senator Lindsey Butchmeup was all ready to go “entertain the troops,” if ya know what I mean…


Scarlet the Comfort Woman?

The last of the sane Republican foreign policy: HW Bush.

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Once upon a time—before Arianna decided that money was more important than political discussion.


I still like him. He and Barbara are often seen out and about in Houston. Too bad their son turned out to be such an Oedipus Tex.

I left that mess of a website years ago or whenever they refused all the liberal bloggers pay in favor of mostly inside-the-beltway bloggers in gov’t, related NGOs, and celebrity “big-thinkers”. I think it was when AH sold out to AOL and screwed her own site in favor of a “both sides are to blame” type of messy reporting. It lost all direction as a liberal-leaning site. And the commenting system went to shit long before she adopted Facebook. So many iterations and none for the better. At least Josh Marshall persevered here and seems to have gotten it more than half right…and he does seem to genuinely care about the commenters here.


“People should not anticipate that this is something that is going to happen overnight.”

If he can’t instantly solve an intractable, centuries-old hornet’s nest of a problem that the Bushies foolishly whacked, then Cokie Roberts, David Brooks, and Charles Krauthammer will incessantly tsk, tsk, tsk President Obama’s “lack of leadership” for the next thousand news cycles.

Of course, when the neocons were in charge, these insufferable parasites of the Perpetual Georgetown Cocktail Party™ endlessly babbled that, “These things take time.”


Baker is one of the few—very few—intelligent Republicans left.

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The elder Bush is one of my favorite presidents. He basically committed political suicide by raising taxes. The baggers took his ass out.

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Of course we are not going to send troops back. We had over 100,000 for years and the place was a mess. It will always be a mess until those folks decide for themselves how to live together. They’ve been at war against themselves over religious differences since their prophet died. American troops can’t change that. When they are finally done cutting off eachothers heads the healing may begin. Don’t hold your breath.