Discussion: Obama: We Will Not Send U.S. Troops Back Into Combat In Iraq

“The biggest threat to America? Czechoslovakia!”

–John McCain, 2008


Oh yeah, that one too. Does it count if we’re fighting ourselves?

Have Republicans tied this decision to Benghazi yet?


I’m not so sure the Union won that one any more.


Isn’ t that from Stripes?

Trust me: the Republicans still have the same foreign policy as they did when Stripes came out.


I did, and I’m glad to see others have as well…

Huff Post is a disaster. I noticed their stats dropped dramatically after their decision. Soon after, their stats were hidden.


Three separate regions, the west, the Kurd north east and the Baghdad east to south. When Cheney and the Kristol Sr. crowd invaded, many saw some version of this as the end game.

Where is Muqtada al-Sadr and his army, BTW?

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jesushchrist… that kenneth pollack is being revived by the nyt and now msnbc as any kind of expert on iraq… i guess msnbc no longer has access to the internets to do some basic research on how this country got suckered into this giant clusterfuck.

and it’s blowing their teeny little brains that iran will likely be a partner to saving maliki’s ass – if they are able to. as if it wasn’t clear in 2004 that iran was the regional winner of the u.s. invasion.


Yeah, love to listen to the Brookings guys act like they haven’t been discredited on Iraq.


It’s a pretty simple answer really - adherents to the Shock Doctrine. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!


They still have the same foreign policy as when they seceded from the US in 1861.

How about if Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, et. al. form a private militia composed on conservative patriots to go fight the war they started by choice.


I also left Huff Post due to the whole comment format fiasco. And yes they have gone full blown FB comment format. I posted several comments urging Huff Post readers to give TPM a try.


Leave Bush out of this. He was only taking orders.


The administration and Democrats in Congress and on the Sunday TV shows better STRONGLY drive home the point that Iraq wouldn’t be in this mess if George W. hadn’t invaded it on a lie destroying that country. Because you know damn well the GOP, especially John McCain when he makes his 836th Sunday show appearance, and the Fox News crowd, will be laying this mess on Obama.


I don’t think the American public cares about Iraq. What is happening over there is necessary. Our own revolution took 7 years or so. They’ll figure it out.


I would bet that at least 80% of Americans agree with Obama on this…at least. I would also bet that 80% of pundits–left and right–will be calling on the US to act. Even on NPR you have their squishy-left pundits like Dexter Filkins saying we really have to do something.

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The same assholes on TV right now hawking for more military intervention. Track their history and bios and you’ll see they all have some connection to Bush’s “War on Terror” and the impetus to get us into Iraq in the first place. They’re baaaaaaack…They never really went away. The Cheney crowd of NeoCons and Private Defense Contractors still hawking for intervention haven’t yet completed their master plan. As far as they’re concerned…they were sadly interrupted by the election of Barack Obama…twice.