The people who voted for Obama and then Trump voted for Obama. They obviously did not hate him for his skin, they hate him for his inaction. In fact, any attempt to say rust belt whites are hurting is thrown back at them as “You’re white, you have no problems.” and then Democrats go back to pandering to inner city blacks. Democrats would not listen, so they went back to voting for a Republican.
And fuck the Rust Belt, too.
Enjoy your 8 years of Trump, you earn it every day.
Oh, Tena, the only reason you dislike Putin and Assange is because you hate white men. If you were an enlightened Bernie Bro you’d see that the hacking, voter suppression, Comey, etc. had no bearing at all on Pepe’s win. It was because a bunch of nig… uh black people and bitc… uh women took over the party and just weren’t liberal enough. Don’t ya know the most liberal candidate for president always wins the primary and then the presidency. Always. Wonder how former President Kucinich is doing these days?
Right after we get over the 8 years of W and the 8 years of clean up you and your ilk gifted us.
Yes, because appealing to blacks is pandering but trying to get white votes is “appealing”. Oh, and please show me where anyone ever said a white person has no problems because they’re white. I’ll wait.
I’ve looked into the Russian excuse for Hillary’s loss. Nobody is buying it except Hillary supporters. The evidence is flimsy, circumstantial, more confirmation bias than deduction.
…And the entire intelligence community, but I guess they’re Hillary supporters too except that one time. But if you read it on a website then it must obviously be true.
Good thing we’re the majority of Americans then because that means a large majority of Americans believes it.
When the Commander in Chief says find me the evidence that supports my political needs, government employees comply. Possible becomes probable, probable becomes fact. Brought to you by the same people who said there were WMD in Iraq, but when Powell gave his speech to the U.N., it was all theatrics and misinterpreted facts about aluminum tubes and mobile weapons that weren’t what he said they were.
Lookee who else believes it:
Like when Tony Blair said “But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.”
There’s so much crazy in this paragraph, I literally can’t respond to the substance because there is none. Even Republicans have acknowledged Russian hacking. Other countries’ intelligence agencies acknowledge Russian hacking. Oh, but my bad, you read a contrary opinion on a website, so “both sides” and “some people say”.
It’s like trying to fight spider webs - they are pass masters at this style of bullshit where they bombard you with truthiness and irrelevancies while you are trying to be rational in response.
It isn’t about the last election. It is about the last eight years of elections. The only thing the Dems won was the Presidency in 2012. All the other years were nothing but losses.
You can try to blame the so-called “far left” and “purists,” but we weren’t even close to being in charge. Blame the Clintons and the Obamas. They were the ones in charge. And keep denying that if you want to lose some more.
Well since Hillary got a large margin popular vote victory after our President had record turnout and numbers, this constant losing idea of yours is only true on the state levels and that’s on y’all.
Texas has steadily been getting bluer with every election since '06.
In fact, in every election since '04, more votes have been cast for Democratic candidates than Republican. The fault is not the Democrats - it’s the system being gamed by the GOP.
The “blue wall” failed in 2016, Republicans have a path to victory, and they won with the most unpopular nominee in living memory. By 2020 Republicans will have done just about all the damage they can do, like a conservative Supreme Court, widespread voter suppression, and damage to or repeal of Medicare, Social Security, and Obamacare – maybe even the repeal of title 9 and affirmative action.
Fear of what Republicans might do didn’t work this election, and will be even less effective next election – we’ll know exactly what they might do, it having been done. All Democrats will have is “Elect us and we’ll fix the damage.” Credibility and trust that they will do what they say they will do will be paramount, but Hillary and the establishment Democrats who supported her have no credibility, they have been unmasked as corporate shills who will say anything to get elected, but still do what their big donors tell them to do. Integrity will have to return to Democratic politics with candidates like Sanders and Warren.
Lost the Senate, lost the House, lost Supreme Court, lost Presidency.
Republicans and Democrats run in the same system.
Tell me how the Democrats won again.
And yet Obama and the Clintons have created no bench of potential candidates.
Sanders and Warren are too old for 2020.