They don’t have a children’s table at state dinners.
The republican party is nothing but a big con, they are grifitng the rubes all day every day.
Crickets indeed! We did not elect the Republican majority. A partial sample of America did. Americans only vote as a whole in even years that are evenly divisible by four. Come back in 2016 and then we will all have our say.
Once again, the GOP embarrass themselves. Obama would never have said his zinger had they not clapped about his never running again. They opened themselves up to the zinger. Well played, Mr. President. They can throw the punch, but when you punch back, they are a bunch of whiners.
when obama does it, it’s “dividing the country”. when republicans do it, it’s “the will of the people.” get with the program!
Maybe the essentially racist meme of the Republican officials is wearing a little thin?
“Obama breathes, angers Republicans”
Jeez, it’s what they do. Who cares?
Give the guy a break, that’s the only face he’s got.
Jesus, I can’t get passed the look on Boehner’s face. Does anyone with half a brain think that that’s the face of a guy who was going to work with the president?
oh I see…the GOPers can sneer and clap when Obama says he’s run his last campaign but whine when he sneers and points out the obvious back.
talk about glass jaws
You just know the ones who were whining the loudest were applauding the loudest a few minutes before.
And Tom, it was TWO victory laps, not one…
Isn’t that the whole point? I call it all “playground politics.” These whining GOPers/Teatrolls are nothing but puerile schoolyard twats with a chip on their shoulder, and they show all the self-awareness of a sea cucumber drying in the sun when they complaint about Obama’s good-natured quip, which THEY instigated as his response to their own derisive cheering for the end of his political career.
when obama does it, it’s “dividing the country”. when republicans do it, it’s “the will of the people.” get with the pogrom!
Seriously…reminds me of the quick thinking jokes and slapdowns Richard Pryor used to deliver to people once it became sort of part of his act that people would just yell shit at him.
Irking them was the point. Irking Republicans is a good thing. We should all try to irk a Republican–or all of them–each day.
PCBill wins the interwebs for today!
Republicans will grasp at anything not matter how small, to launch into “victim mode”.
Anything that irks a Republican politician, puts a smile on my face!
Senate Energy Committee Chair Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) said Obama’s remarks
did not make her feel “warm and fuzzy” about having to work with him
for the next two years.
Good. That means that Obama struck the right tone.
And Senator Murkowski, why should you deserve to feel “warm and fuzzy” after your Republican Party has done their “best” to ensure that most Americans will not feel that way.
I am proud to support a President that did not lie down & roll over for the extremely rude republican contingent.
This President tried over & over to work with them. Remember the Grand Bargain, & Boehner’s backing out of it? I can’t even begin to remember all the efforts the Pres. made. Some of which I did not agree with, in an effort to garner republican support. Most specifically, even giving in on the Social Security raise formula!! (which I am strongly against that change.)
I voted for a Pres. that would use reason & compromise (per our constitution) to pass bills that were so desperately needed by the people & the country.
Yet, from day one, the mantra of the republicans, as coined by Mitch McConnell, was to obstruct & destruct. And that is what they did!!!
So Mr. President, you have two yrs left in office. Do what you can to protect the people & to let them know the perverse attempts of those scumbags that are only for the 1%.
They forget who built this country, on their very backs. It is a country of the people. And they are our biggest assets!