Discussion: Obama 'I Won' Swipe At State Of The Union Angers Republicans

Hmmm. So the Republicans were irked because he took a jab at them in an ad lib. But it didn’t seem to bother them when they “applauded derisively” in response to his immediately preceding comment that he wouldn’t be running again in 2016.

As Mr. Truman once famously noted, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

So much so that they EDITED the Video they put up on their website That and the climate denial zinger!

I’ll let Walter take this one: http://cdn.meme.am/instances/57332613.jpg

The gop/bags are just upset that every word of the SOTU is true! And they had nothing to do with any of it.

But, boy did they ever applaud when the POTUS said he wasn’t running again…only to have the unmitigated gall to be peeved after his very deserved put down them.

Bravo Mr. President, BRAVO!

so cole thinks the president rubbed his nose in the dirt? if his nose is attached to his head, it’s somewhere else where the sun don’t shine.

If by “crushing defeat” Ted Cruz meant “lowest turnout in over 70 years”, then yes.

Conservatives have about as much, if not less, legitimacy than the 19 9-11 hijackers had when it comes to doing the will of the majority.

Ted Cruz commenting on another’s speech . . . priceless!

Obama’s comments were 100% on target, that was the best F-you to the gop/baggers in a long, long time. They earned it.

I don’t understand why Tom Cole should take that personally. Mitt Romney lost.

He was simply telling the truth, a truth like global warming or the dangers of income equality that the Republicans don’t want to hear about. Well, tough t*tty, said the cat to the kitty.

The next two years are going to be awesome!

Yeah I so wish that when that scumbag called Obama a liar from the floor of the chamber…that the President would have stopped his speech and said something like…“I’ll wait until that gentleman is escorted from the chamber please.” That would have set a tone for his entire presidency that would have been unmistakable “Don’t fuck with me!”

Get used to it, GOP. You’re going to lose the next couple presidential elections also.

(Seriously?? Mittens, AGAIN?)