Discussion for article #232276
I could reply to the Rs in an equally juvenile manner - “you started it!”
Bunch of crybabies.
That’s the same hateful face Boehner has worn ever since Pres Obama was elected the first time…
I’m trying to remember if I care when a Republican gets his fur ruffled… Wait, just remembered. Couldn’t care less.
“Senate Energy Committee Chair Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) said Obama’s remarks did not make her feel “warm and fuzzy” about having to work with him for the next two years.”
She didn’t feel so warm and fuzzy when her own Republican caucus backed the OTHER guy running for her seat in Alaska who won the primary I guess. Poor Sen. Murkowski just doesn’t get a lot of opportunities to feel warm and fuzzy, I guess.
The Narcissist’s Dilemma
Imagine for a moment if during a State of the Union, St. Reagan was giving a speach and someone from the “other side” yelled out “You Lie”…and then years later, St Reagan said that he had “run his last campaign” and the “other side” clapped…the Republicans, Fox News, and the Tea baggers would have gone so ballistic, they would have blown things up in protest…so in a classic and grown up response, I have two words for the Republicans et al who were bothered by Obama’s great zinger: Fuck You.
“…if he sticks to anger and defiance towards the American voters…”
Uhm…I’m pretty sure it was the American voters who gave him those two victories, schmuck. And that’s why you guys remain angry and defiant towards him and those who voted for him.
But this idiot knows all that. He’s just playing his game for the rubes, and the fact that he’s so obviously screwing with people while also being taken seriously is the icing on his douchebag cake.
And to think, before this “zinger” the Republicans were prepared to work with this President for the first time.
I also like to have my cake and eat it, too.
Those delicate little flowers were so sad they got called for their rudeness. It’s not like they had been planning on co-operating. They deserve to be afflicted with Carnival Cruz.
Isn’t this an outright acknowledgment that these Republicans place pettiness over country?
As always for the Republicans, the truth hurts.
Republicans only friend is Gerry Mander.
Fucking thieves.
“Probably not helpful when you rub the other guy’s nose in the dirt a little bit,” Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), a close ally of Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), told reporters. “Look, he’s allowed to take a victory lap but he ought to be thinking about what works — what’s gonna help me actually put points on the board,” Cole said.
Maybe if Republicans hadn’t been such vicious fucking complete assholes for the past 7 years (including the campaign year prior to the President’s first win), he wouldn’t have made the calculation to enjoy himself at their expense - since Republicans have already made it clear they’re not going to help the President put any “points on the board.”
Oh, I care - if only for the utter joy I take in the schadenfreude and irony of Republicans bitching about the rare instances of tactics, insults, and condescension they use every day being turned on themselves.
STFU, Wingnut crybabies!
If George W. Bush were president right now, he’d enter the State of the Union riding a Segway wearing an “I saved the economy and cured Ebola” sash.
We will soon be hearing every GOP member of Congress talking about elections matter and we won the last one, implying “do what we want or else”. Oh I forgot that’s already happening.
The GOKlan should be more concerned with Jonie Ernst’s crappy veneers…