I see we’ve opened up a can of “butt hurt”…Elections are won by actions, not feelings.
You don’t always get to choose a candidate that you want. Sometimes, you have to choose the candidate who is most closely aligned with your politics. If you choose to stay home and pout, then you are helping the other side.
Lol I left out a word and went back and edited. I like “the Clinton” better.
I’m glad his blog no longer exists–the depth and breadth of his hate for Clinton was not a pretty look.
This is a 10-minute interview with Obama from yesterday’s Sunday Morning on CBS with the focus on his bailout of the auto industry which is flourishing. . It’s worth ten minutes of your time to review his many accomplishments and hear again a bit of his 2004 speech.
If the GOP wins then the fault will be the delusional Sanders supporters who thought making a socialist the Democratic nominee was a good idea.
good advise all around Davey, respectfully, I suggest checking oneself on occasion.
I’m not sure Tesla’s comment was anything more than pointing out he thinks Obama was more than just a little more advantageous to HRC.
HRC was his SOS, for chrissakes… I think we all accept that he would play neutral, but not 100%
there is a lot of attempts around here to paint Bernie supporters as reactionary, and this negatively reflects his candidacy. this doesn’t make HRC any more attractive to Bernie supporters. I also find it rich when these are merely commenters on a left website, yet we have folks like McCaskille out there in a more official capacity saying more, in more dismissive terms, to a larger audience, using "terms of the debate that were set by Ronald Reagan’’
If the choice were between Trump and Sanders, then Trump is actually closer to the center than Sanders, and would be closer to my politics (but I find his racism and xenophobia disgusting and couldn’t vote for him either). Most likely, I would end up voting for a third party - and I could actually see a third party candidate having a legitimate chance if the nominees were Sanders and Trump/Cruz.
Again, the idea that staying at home “helps the other side” makes no sense at all. If you are staying at home, then neither side gets your vote. I wouldn’t vote for Sanders no matter what, so it’s not like he is missing out on a vote he could have gotten.
sorry Boston… that is more a running battle I have been having, and you sort of made my point…
so in response… You didn’t, many here (likely reading again here) have…
down ballot. period.
Sorry, someone asked me why I feel a “visceral dread” for Clinton. I gave an honest answer.
I have only voted for one Republican in my life (AZ AG 1990) because the Republican was running on an environmental platform and the Dem was running on a pro-death penalty, fry the criminals platform.
I don’t need to like a candidate to vote for them. Just because you don’t like an answer about my personal feelings doesn’t mean I’m “playing.”
So true. The Obama Administration has been the most genuinely scandal free administration in my lifetime. Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, none of these were actual scandals. But look at the desperate attempts to turn every event into “worse than Watergate”. They’ll do it to Clinton if she becomes president and they’ll do it to Sanders if he wins. That’s one of the many reasons long coattails are especially important in this election.
“his bailout of the auto industry which is flourishing.”
Any chance you also have interviews with the focus on his bailout of the banking industry - which is not flourishing (except of course for the bankers)?
Edit to add: He does indeed get credit for bailing out the auto industry when most pundits and many pols considered it too politically risky. The one time for me when he showed some political courage - leading from the front.
If Sanders hurts the rest of the party, then the problem was Sanders - not those that found him an unacceptable candidate.
Bernie also has an atheist issue. Wait until that bomb drops. We have never had an atheist in the White House.
I thought Sanders is Jewish?
Oh, I think Bernie has plenty of issues.
Obama nailed it when he talked about Sanders reframing the debate.
HRC will simply operate within parameters laid down by Reagan. When Mondale cratered, and then Dukakis, space opened up for all that “Third-Way” DLC stuff…ditch unions, embrace neoliberalism, simplify things for multinationals, markets markets markets, etc.
New Labour in the UK, and the DLC in the USA, both were rightward tilts in response to the Reagan/Thatcher paradigm.
We are now seeing the results of this…and the many failures of neoliberalism and managerial, supranational capitalism. The 2003 Iraq War and the 2008 Bailouts…“First as Tragedy, then as Farce” as Žižek describes it.
So yeah, I’m the guy who carried water for the Clintons all through the 90s, voted Gore in 2000, Kerry in 2004, and Obama twice. Proud to do so…but now I’ve realized that we are still trapped inside the “center-right” thinking established by Reagan, and even Obama failed to transcend it.
This will be my last go at being a registered Democrat, if Sanders loses to HRC. I am voting in my closed primary in Florida as a registered D, and after that, I’m sorry, but it’ll be time to part ways if the Democratic party basically ceases to be an actual leftist party. I’ll have to go Working Families, perhaps, or, become an Independent.
I’m dismayed at seeing so many otherwise thoughtful, intelligent TPM readers deriding Sanders as “unrealistic” and “pie in the sky” and “well I like, I dunno, 98% of what he says but, you know, too old/too angry/too Jewish/not enough moderates will like him/grrr Socialism is a scary word” like seriously???
HRC tinkers at the margins of neoliberalism, but the status quo remains intact. She’s on record saying universal health care is impossible, $15/hr minimum wage is too high, TPP is the best thing evah, bombs away, crucify Snowdon, etc. etc. etc.
“Is there a leftist in the house?”
Sanders’ platform basically looks like Hubert Humphrey’s. Hell, even Nixon was toying around with the idea of a basic/guaranteed income.
Hearing the leftist technocratic pundits deride Sanders as unrealistic need to acknowledge their total capitulation to neoliberalist ideologies and abandonment of the working-class solidarity that once was the bedrock of the UK’s Labour & US’s Democratic party.
Thank you so much for that. I’m usually up against it with all the neolibs here.
Edit: Made my day. Now I can get out of here for good. Like yourself, I want the whole loaf.
[quote=“n8ma, post:98, topic:31681, full:true”
Sanders’ platform basically looks like Hubert Humphrey’s.
Probably not the best example to use when trying to convince others of Sanders’ electability.