Discussion: Obama Boosts Clinton: She Has 'More Experience' Than Non-VP Candidate Ever

Discussion for article #245050

I pretty much agree with everything Obama said. I’m not an HRC fan but recognize that she’s by far the best-qualified candidate out there.

And yet, the thought of another 8 years of a Clinton in the White House fills me with a visceral dread. The “prose vs poetry” line is pretty good. Unfortunately, sometimes you really do need some poetry to get elected.


POTUS has signaled what I think will be a polling shift back toward Hillary Clinton. As Bernie is subjected to more scrutiny, it will become apparent that he is not the right person to be the standard bearer of the Democratic Party at this time.


I loved hearing him actually talk about the 2008 campaign. I am definitely looking forward to his book when he gets out of office. Probably going to be the most interesting post Presidential book so far.


Thumb on the scale? Looks to me like he sat on it.


And yet, it could be a good 8 years. I think HRC has grown over the years and I really don’t see her as a hawk.


8 years of Clinton fills me with glee, 2020 cenus year, chance to un gerrymander states. 8 years of Clinton = chance to get judges around the country and SCOTUS into office. Those 2 things alone would be enough for me, but tack on the continuance of progress Obama has done, with the hope of criminal justice reform since both sides are looking like they could agree on some of those reforms. Another lost due to Hispanic vote might get Republicans to let a vote on immigration reform in the house.


Not only his book but I have a feeling he is going to do great things out of the office and will be the leader of the Democratic Party for as long as he wants it


It was Mario Cuomo who dithered too long and forgot to actually run for the president who said a candidate campaigns in poetry and governs in prose. Mario’s rhetoric soared, and we’ll never know how he would have governed.

Personally, I’m baffled by your “visceral dread” when you’ve already acknowledged Clinton is the best qualified. What might actually happen is that Koch-led Rs decide not to cooperate with her and her progressive agenda and dig in as they did with Obama…


Certainly one of the best written.


I had stated yesterday that we should win.

I have never witnessed a stable of derp more profound as that existing within the Republican slate of candidates for President and everywhere else.

We can only beat ourselves.


Maybe the dread is not with her personally, but that the country will have to experience the horror that is GOP vengeance.


Oh you guys, you’re so cute! If you mean that Hillary is more qualified to push the Beltway Democratic Agenda, you are correct. But here’s the nasty, open little secret; Bernie is far more likely to win against any of the Republican candidates than Hillary. Essentially if she gets nominated, the chances of the Dems not having a place in the White House in 2016 is LOWER. Don’t forget the General Election. Don’t forget the Moderates who don’t vote party lines there. Don’t throw away your vote. Vote Bernie Sanders!

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You want to see vengeance or a republican in the Oval Office?

Now that fills me with dread.


If the choice is GOP vengeance or cooperation with an R president who wants to turn back Obama’s agenda, I’m signing up for the flight that’s taking other Americans to another country on January 21.


[quote=“littlegirlblue, post:9, topic:31681”]
What might will actually happen is that Koch-led Rs decide not to cooperate with her and her progressive agenda and dig in as they did with Obama.[/quote]

FIFY. Because you know the R’s are now a one trick pony.

Certainly, regionally and with regard to cohorts like older people, gun people, etc. But the Right has been marginalized before…during times when overall race relations were much worse in the United States.

FOX and Talk Radio stoke up a lot of this horror. And both are part on an Outrage Industry as real as automobiles, fossil fuels and banking.

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I’m just here to say: God that I don’t believe in…please give me the satisfaction of another failed White House run by another conservative candidate, and please sprinkle on top, a) the woman all conservatives hate more their own mothers, or b) the “socialist”

It’s a win-win…the thought of placing every racist conservative on suicide watch when Trump loses the general…OMFG! I need a moment y’all…brb! LOL


My “visceral dread” is based on the fact that I don’t trust the Clintons at a very basic level. They have a long history of doing what is expedient for themselves at the expense of allies. Add in the fact that a Clinton presidency guarantees an eight year run of Whitewater-like investigations into the Clinton Foundation, email servers, etc. So forgive me if I don’t have any enthusiasm for HRC.


Not. The Same. Clinton.