I can’t decide which is more important to the survival of the Republican party, cognitive dissonance or racism.
Fox news supports both.
I can’t decide which is more important to the survival of the Republican party, cognitive dissonance or racism.
Fox news supports both.
That is why the bills are so extreme. The really want the SC to shoot them down so they can keep their wedge issue.
Tell me again why Democrats are considered pro-choice? It is no coincidence that the pro-incumbent brigade everywhere including on TPM is mostly male.
“the Democratic Governors Association is preparing to potentially spend millions of dollars backing two Democratic candidates who share that position: Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards, who has indicated he plans to sign a “heartbeat” bill that would effectively ban abortion as early as six weeks into a pregnancy, and Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood, the all-but-certain gubernatorial candidate in Mississippi who is defending a similar law in court.”
The hatred they’ve been nurturing for trans people and immigrants is already overripe and stinking.
No, they want these women to be slut-shamed and their babies given to some fine upstanding white christian heterosexual couple. Only of the babies are white, of course. “More white babies” is one of their battle cries.
So true. The trans hate seems particularly striking.
It’s an attention-grabber.
I think the reason the bills are so extreme is that they want to provoke outrage. That’s what motivates disinterested voters. They need to invent more bizarre and lurid fantasies to get the attention of the majority of the electorate who mostly just sit on their asses and wave away anything political.
I think lots of them secretly get off on these horrid tales of torture, too.
My Trump supporting, low IQ neighbor who mostly listens to Dobbs, Limbaugh, and Hannity for all his political advice and having current affairs explained to him used to love expounding on the abortion subject. After years of trying to explain to him that wanting to bomb Mexico in order to stop immigration and claiming you’re pro life on the abortion issue is stark, raving mad.
Within days, he’s back to anti abortion issue regardless if he seemed to contemplate some of the points I made earlier.
Then I just got fed up. He brings it up and I tell him that generally people who oppose abortion do so because they are so unfuckable and repulsive, they want to make sure if anyone else is getting any sex, they think they should be punished by having to raise a baby.
Or else I sarcastically say that if they outlaw abortion, surely everything in your life will be magically better overnight. You’ll get smarter, women who found you repulsive will all of sudden drop their panties for you. You’ll get a better job , have more money and your life will henceforth be like living in a pleasant dream.You’ll basically be a male Cinderella and live happily ever after.
He never brings it up anymore.
“Isn’t it worth it to be humane?” he said. “To not just separate families?”
His understanding of what is humane is extremely compartmentalized. This can be said of his understanding what is noble as well. He wants to think in black and white. He has been presented with the existence of gray areas that literally show him that he cannot cling to that mentality. If he fully gets it finally, I feel sorry for him. He will have to reckon with his decisions adding to the fire that created his family’s pain.
Agreed, but not sure its “secretly”.
NC legislature more like a crime syndicate than a legislative body…they have learned nothing from the bathroom bill disaster that called attention to just how dimwitted and craven they really are.
I have a bigger problem with this when the party supports Anti choice candidates outside places like LA and MS.
Like Lipinski in IL.
An awful AntiChoicer Governor will be installed in either LA or MS regardless. I guess it’s better if they are dems as for other things like Medicare they will be less bad stewards.
It’s like with Manchin. He’s awful, but does caucus with dems and will cast his vote for majority leader for a dem should we get the numbers. He has also supported ACA. This would be unacceptable for a senator from a state like Massachusetts that can elect a more liberal member, but passable for WV
I don’t think “wife” cuts it: if it were THEIR ‘daughter’ what would they do?
That is how ‘I’ decide.
I would DRIVE my daughter to her abortion and stay with her while it was done. And I bet most ‘pro-life’ Republicans would as well.
This is not ‘quite’ appropriate but I still wonder if Wendy Vitter (EX Senator David Vitter’s wife) who said that if HER husband ever cheated on her like Bill Clinton did Hillary she’d castrate him.
Now ‘diaper boy’ was hitting the hookers. And got named in the court case.
DID she ‘castrate’ her ‘diaper boy’ or is she a lying liar who lies?
So true
Every afternoon at the Gym on the bank of Teevees all the News stations talking about Trumps Court Cases
Lead Story on Faux
Every Day
Permanent Chryon
If it’s all about protecting an unborn baby, why is there no penalty for the man who caused the pregnancy? Surely his identity can be determined through DNA.
I feel ‘sure’ they tell themselves that people just did not understand how the bathroom bill was ‘really’ an Act of Love. Somehow.
A while ago I read this interview with a genetic research doc. I can’t find any trace of this now, but I think he was at Harvard. I also think he was British, not that matters.
Anyway, his focus was on the battles at the chromosome and gene level as to which genes and alleles become functional in a fertilized egg. It’s a cagey war.
His claim that there is a battle of the sexes that goes on. For example, male genetic material strives for big, robust, fetus-centric fetuses and female genetic material strives for a fetus that is easier on the mother’s body.
The male genes basically treat the mother as a baby-making machine. The female genes protect the mother during pregnancy.
I have no idea what became of all this, or if his claims were supported. But it came back to me with the fight in Alabama, which basically says that a woman has to carry a man’s baby to term, no matter what.
A real family-friendly bunch of Republicans there.
Republican “values” are lies to fool people of good conscience. That’s what makes me angry about these Republicans, Trump, McConnell, and Barr. They play my fellow citizens for fools.
I hope the politicians get good laughs amongst themselves in their smoke-filled back rooms.