Discussion: North Carolina GOP Looks To Ram Through Anti-Abortion Law

If you think they’ll be disappointed, you aren’t thinking it through. The hatred won’t dissipate. It’ll simply soak into some new outrage, and the whole destructive process will start up again.

It’s already begun … just gaze toward the southern border.


The new term, which I like, is “forced birth.”


[quote=“austin_dave, post:2, topic:88202”]
“Was it a bad decision for my family? Yes,” he said. “Was it a bad decision for our country? I can’t say. Sometimes you can’t just think about yourself. You have to think about the broader picture.… I feel like God will bless my decision.”
[/quote]As do we all, I know some one-issue voters (sometimes they’re 2-issue, abortion and guns - the irony with that always makes me smile). I ask sometimes if they think god is OK with taking away the right of choice (usually a very difficult and painful choice), but especially when they get to the no exception for rape or incest argument, in exchange for putting already born kids in cages and letting some die while in government custody, and taking health care away from millions so that tens of thousands will die early, and polluting the air and water so as not to be good shepherds of the earth and leading to more people being sick and suffering early death, or the poor going hungry and un-housed, etc.

They don’t budge in their belief that, although they would prefer that those things not happen, getting rid of all abortion is more important. There is no room for reason, no room for logic.


Fun Fact: Few Guardians Of Patriarchy politicians are pediatricians and even fewer are OB/GYNs.


Its really a question of Sarandon-ing…

LESS of that will be MORE for us.

Get your ass in gear, stop with the intramural Democratic fights and VOTE.

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Tea Party, Freedom Caucus…great branding strategies. Unfortunately, you can pretty much guess all is the opposite of the words used.


I agree with you very strongly regarding the nature of the GOP pathogen, and I also imagine they have the post-Roe outrage du jour lined up just in case.

True, in the last century it was temperance, anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant (that one is evergreen, just different groups), interracial marriage, segregation, birth control, gay marriage. They will always find something.


If politicians want to motivate people, why aren’t they repeating the President’s statement?

“The baby is born. The mother meets with the doctor. They take care of the baby. They wrap the baby beautifully. And then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.”

Maybe because it’s a lie?


You can see how religious intolerance becomes the position, nevermind what their leader said, or in most cases relying on what others have said their leader said.

My point being in these modern times with modern communications the time is shortening. The message can be drummed into and shouted at ad nauseam.


“Doctors who don’t would face felony charges, while the women who underwent the abortion procedure would face new civil penalties.”

Why is the woman who asked for the abortion procedure less culpable? This makes no sense. I wish reporters would press Republicans on this contradiction, but for some inexplicable reason they never do.


I’m sure that the fact that their maneuvers are detrimentally affecting a woman who needs rest to recuperate from a mastectomy and a woman who is trying to spend time with her hospitalized husband is simply a bonus. Why not screw with women whenever they can? After all, these women are post-born so no one cares.
The frigging party of family values strikes again.


OOOOO…us too us too!!! Let US be as anti-woman as the rest of the South…we don’t wanna be left behind!

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How about we set up a system where men are required to donate a kidney to anyone who’s a match?

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If they really wanted to prevent abortions, they’d support birth control and sex education. But they don’t because they are just grandstanding charlatans.


One thing I’ll never understand - they think we have lots of women who “use abortion as birth control” or are totally fine with infanticide - so they want these women to be mothers?!



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Just force the men by law to pay for the support of the child they helped create would do the trick.


The result of all the anti-abortion laws being passed will be (I hope) a galvanizing moment for women (and the men who love them). My hope is that people will turn out en masse and VOTE like their lives and freedom depend on it (because it does). Vote the GOP out!!
Every vote matters.

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As long as the billionaires are buying the votes, legislators will act stupidly, in conformance with their masters’ wishes.

Politics is a sickening slush of cash flow now. It is the prime mover of any absurd, head-scratching thing you see going on.

Another motivation is that painting vivid fantasies of baby-murderers is a last-ditch attempt to sway the low-information voters to go Republican. Republican support in the age of trump is in its death throes, so they need a defibrillator to shock it back to life. This issue and its ridiculous lies have been propping up the Republicans for decades. They’re never going to let it go.

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