Discussion: New RNC Hispanic Media Relations Chief Deleted Tweets Critical Of Trump

“If I go, the rest of the world go !”

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He keeps a little something on the night table in case he want to nosh in the middle of the night.


It must be interesting having no moral compass whatsoever. I like to think I have a pretty flexible imagination, but I have to admit I have a hard time imagining what it’s like to be one of these shape-shifting political operatives who can pull a complete 180 any time their next fat paycheck depends on it.


The same person…


Where “principled” is a tiny bit mitigated by the act of serving as the RNC’s hispanic outreach person in the first place…

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Ferré was hired by the RNC to replace Ruth Guerra, who allegedly left the committee because she was uncomfortable with Donald Trump’s candidacy.

The RNC had to fill the slot with someone. Finding a person of Hispanic ancestry or origins that hasn't spoken or written ill of Trump is akin to, well.......

<img src="/uploads/default/original/2X/8/865d8742b4fb7c7236c4797dd0cd0e8cb4202901.png" width="275" height="183">
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I realize that it’s only a poll or two that’s showing a two-point race, but it’s odd anyhow considering the fact that supposedly Sanders didn’t have any money for advertising and had been laying off staff in CA. Being able to make up considerable ground in spite of that would be puzzling, unless it indicates a real and fundamental weakness of the Clinton campaign. I readily admit I’m far from either a statistician or a polling expert, but a sample size of less than 600 people seems pretty small to me.

While Clinton may have the nomination wrapped up, it would certainly strengthen her hand at the convention if she had a strong win in CA to tout. Winning by a percentage point or two will do nothing but make the Sanders campaign more inclined to make non-negotiable demands at the convention.


I’m just embarrassed for some of these people:

John McCain: I mean, give me a fucking break! After what he said about you and prisoners of war? WTF. Where is this guy:

Rand Paul - I mean, I lost respect for him when he threw in the towel over defense spending, but seriously?

Marco Rubio - You’re getting behind Trump after everything he said about you. You realize “Little Marco” was just his bullying way to emasculate you right?

Megyn Kelly - Josh Barro hit the nail on the head when he said he was embarrassed for her as a journalist after all that she had gone through over the last 9 months and then she went to make piece with Trump (at Trump Tower).

Lindsay Graham - His hawkish zeal makes me sick, but he had actually said a lot of reasonable things over the primary. Now he’s privately urging big donors to support Trump.

Ben Carson - Don’t get me wrong, this guy is an idiot. But Trump likened him to a child molester.

Brian Sandoval - just surprised.

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Chief(few weeks ago): she,women & country deserve better,"

Now: I support Trump. No one deserves better as I am going to be deported anyway. I will take the country down with me.

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Meanwhile, the GOP is getting something Trump and sticky all over it. Everybody touching him is getting marked.

I know he could still win, but I’m going with a hurricane analogy for Trump until I have reason to abandon it.

He’s been a primal force of nature for most of the campaign to date, but, like a hurricane, he’s left a wake of destruction, appears certain to cause further damage, and will eventually peter out into just wind and bluster.


Giddy with anticipation over the coming full-blown Congressional hearings and wall-to-wall coverage by Fox.

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My heavens, that room looks like a brothel…


True — a bit of hyperbole for the sake of contrast :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Any respectable pimp be burning that BS to the ground.


Yeah, i’d prefer a solid win for Clinton too, for the same reason. But I’m convinced now, though previously skeptical, that 2-3% in Clinton’s favor is credible. This agrees with Alan Abramowitz’ empirical multivariate model I referenced earlier. Wish this crap was over.


The amount of overcompensation that room shows is staggering.


There hasn’t been coverage of the effect on Muslims that trumpf’s hate speech has had in the effort to register Muslim voters, most for the first time though they’ve been American citizens. They never saw a difference between the parties until now.


This poor girl has a very awkward job for sure.

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So, what’s the going rate for souls these days, Helen Aguirre Ferré?

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Most of us can read and listen to English language media, thanks.