She doesn’t even have to win California, does she? She may even have the nom sewn up before then.
This should not be rolled out until the week of the first debate.
Since too many people have the attention span of a gnat, don’t use your best stuff right away.
The same way that the GOP establishment took 1984 as an operations manual instead of a warning, Trump took one look at Versailles and never considered how that turned out.
(Not to denigrate Versailles, which is over the top but at least well designed. Well, sorta.)
I’m really happy to see them registering. However, if they never saw a real difference–until now–that tells me they’ve never really cared to even pay close attention.
Well, if she is out of a job since Jeb tanked and maybe has a mortgage and kids to put through college….you know? I guess you rationalize. Integrity ain’t easy.
What you say is almost exactly what The Husband said when I told him about this story in the NYT. Something like their indifference is biting them in the ass when they (and all voters) had it in their power to be proactive but didn’t care enough. Now it’s catch up.