Discussion: New Fox News Poll Shows Biden, Bernie Beating Trump By At Least Nine Points

The Fox/Limbaugh Axis has been pushing the idea that Trump’s support is stronger than the polls indicate; that true believers are either toying with the (leftie) pollsters just to mess with them, and/or they they’re afraid of being ridiculed for their opinions. In fact, I suspect these numbers are best Trump will do. A lot of otherwise vocal Trump supporters will use the privacy of the voting booth to quietly climb down off the limb they got themselves stuck on.


I like Warren the best - if Trump plays the Pocahontas card, she needs to talk about how the Trumps changed their name and also claimed to be Swedish not German at one point. She could challenge him to a “show your transcripts” battle too - he seemed to think that was important when Obama was the POTUS.


I don’t know if you can read this article at WaPo, but it sure made me renew my faith in my fellow Americans.



Enthusiasm is a hard thing to poll, nor is it always particuarly relevent in the current context. Am I enthusiastic about Biden, HELL NO! Lots of younger people, w/o his treatment of Anita Hill, that I would prefer to see. I think Harris would make a good president, hell I would love to have a president Warren. But my wish for either is tempered by the fact that I think that Harris has stepped in it with too many nods to “progressive” ideas like signing on to the Green New deal, speaking favorably about reparations, and co-sponsoring the medicaid for all bill, and that Warren turns off a lot of people. For example, she underperformed in her senate reelection by about 8%, turned off enough MA residents to not win as strongly as expected.

But if you ask me “who do you support” currently its Biden because he is not unacceptable, would do a good job, and is the best candidate likely to make it through the primary against Trump.

And I might add that I want a candidate who is not perceived as “so far left” that moderate voters then vote for republicans as “check” on them. I.e. ending up with the republicans in charge of the house and senate.

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Today, because of articles like this, I feel things are changing and serious crumbling is taking place. I know polls at this stage probably shouldn’t hold much weight, but it gives me a boost. I still don’t want to see him running for office again and go back and forth about impeach today or later. It is hard to know what’s best but the idiot in chief is damaging the country probably in more ways then we know. He needs to go and we need not to have to endure him running in another election.

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Taken to its farthest degree, this means that no one but no will combat trumPP effectively. We need to be proactive toward this fool, not reactive. But I do like what @sanni offers in the way of a rebuttal:

Oh Donald, the American people are tired of your antics. Even your supporters think you should shut down your twitter account, and start acting like a adult" and get away with, because most people are sick and tired of Trump.

I sure don’t want to hear anymore about an “existential threat” either. That’s not going to stop PP.


Apologies for being pedantic, but it’s actually Volume 1 where Mueller describes Russian interference in our election. Volume 2 covers Trump’s attempts to obstruct the investigation.

I know this because I’m listening to the Mueller report on audio. For those of you who, like me, don’t have much time to sit down and read a 400 page report, audio is an excellent alternative. The language of the report is very clear and easy to follow in audio. I can listen while driving or doing household chores.

I recommend this to any who haven’t read the report yet. You can find the audio version here (it’s free):smile:


Neither will she hesitate to call him foolish as @sanni has pointed out. She’s suffered too many hard headed students to not be able to put this child in his place.

Oh Donald, the American people are tired of your antics. Even your supporters think you should shut down your twitter account, and start acting like a adult" and get away with, because most people are sick and tired of Trump.


And, I think she will continue to force the straight white men (Biden & Bernie) to address issues with at least an iota of the granular specificity that she is employing already.

I think Warren, Harris, Gillibrand, and/or Klobuchar could take PP apart. In fact, I think Warren and/or Harris could cause him a terminal cardiac infarction, right there on live TV. Hey, I’d pay-per-view to see it.

They’re repositioning for a post-Trump era with a Democrat ™ president against whom they can rail to maintain the Scared Old White Folks $$ rolling in.

Are you kidding me? Against these women, he’ll stroke out.

And his other tiny organs. OTOH, re/ Hannity:


There’s no rhyme or reason to them, but one can hope that maybe if Trump’s ratings get sucky enough, it will take a little luster off him, for his followers. We really need the damn taxes. That’s what will really make him sucky in their eyes.


Thanks. You might have expected TPM to have reported those additional figures, but if you did, you were wrong.

And I can see why. Warren at +2, Harris at +1! That is not great news for those two. They also didn’t report that Biden was a point ahead of Sanders. Anti-Biden bias in the reporting? I think yes.

General election polls are not that accurate this far out, but not entirely unpredictive either. Lots of things can happen between now and then. God knows what will happen when Trump decides to bomb Iran. I do know that America is a warlike nation.

But absent that, I think you can expect these margins to drop once Republican negative attacks get into full swing. So it is much better to have a lead of 10% now than 2%. Actually, come to think of it, we don’t need to wait for Republican negative attacks. Democrat negative attacks against Biden are already ongoing.

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But Warren lied about her heritage also. First she said she merely put ‘native american’ down for the Harvard or other jobs, but didn’t get any value out of it. Then she has to apologize to Cherokees and the public after it was found she put ‘American Indian’ on her Texas bar registration. Then there is the ‘Indian’ cookbook.

I like Warren, but this was really stupid for her to do throughout her professional career when one is only 1/32nd or whatever of another race. I forgive her for the family lore bit, but politically this one lie will haunt the Trump debates (despite his 11K lies) if she is the candidate.

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Mea culpa, I have not read it. I found her town hall statement and she cites (awesomely) of reading both parts. But now reading it over it’s somewhat muddled as to which part she’s citing.

However, thanks for the link. Audio would indeed work better than reading.

I got to the end, and there were three things that were
just, man, there’s no avoiding them.

Part one, a hostile foreign

government attacked our 2016 elections for the purpose of getting Donald

Trump elected. Part two, then-candidate Donald Trump welcomed that help.

And part three, when the federal government tried to investigate part one

and part two, Donald Trump as president delayed, deflected, moved, fired,

and did everything he could to obstruct justice.


I only suggest patience if you are interested in winning. If all you want to do is to stake out a moral position, then go ahead, go for purity.

Sanders in 2016 showed how that is done. I’m sure that without his presence, we don’t have Trump today.


I’m on the Warren boat, I think she’s fabulous and exactly who we need. I love it that she doesn’t wrap herself in the flag or any other kind of bull shit. She demonstrates her values by her ideas of governing. The media isn’t going to know how to deal with such a serious person.

But I want Harris to make it to debate Trump. Warren will do fine with him, but Harris is going to go after him like a happy tiger cub playing with a rabbit. She’s got a great sense of humor, she really does, and she’s spontaneous sometimes. She’s got this great one two three punch. She gets the right question and you see the look in her eyes, she starts a sort of lopsided grin, and she goes in for the kill. She will make him look like the biggest fakes wimpiest wannabe bully bullshit con man in the world. I wish she could go after him tomorrow.


As long as it was listed as part of her ancestry, it was not a lie. And if the tribes don’t much care, and they don’t seem to, I certainly don’t care. Even if we call it a lie, put them on a scale to weight against Trump, and Trump’s side won’t even budge off the table.


One of the reasons why I support Biden - and think he is the best candidate by far - is that he has already been fully vetted. That Rudi was off trying to dredge up foreign dirt on Biden is because his negatives are already well know, and baked into the numbers. Sanders has OTOH gotten the white glove treatment with Trump actually trying to talk him up (and everything that Trump does is simple, no complex explanations needed, Trump’s folks tell him that Sanders is the easiest candidate to beat), and I think that Trump can score some points on everyone else in the race, not only Sanders.

Warren - who does not have videos of her drinking vodka with communists, while calling himself a “socialist” nor weird writings about a rape fantasy like Bernie does (see https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/05/29/410606045/the-bernie-sanders-rape-fantasy-essay-explained ) - is actually probably a better “progressive” candidate, with a real record of getting things done. But she is also far weaker than is Biden in the head to head.


It isn’t purity, it is just better. Of course we are interested in winning. I suspect that it is safe to say that no one is actively endorsing a candidate who we think will lose. At some point, we have to address the economic imbalance, or accept indentured servitude. I don’t merely want to win. I want to win with whoever I think is the best candidate available. I do not believe that Biden is that candidate.

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Bad word choice, i meant indicative

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Not to respond to you personally, but in general, I think that even talking about this, as a progressive, is wrong. I really do.

Its over and done. It has been squeezed dry. We know what she did and what it meant. We also know that she’s a very intelligent and moral woman, who regrets what she did and has learned from it, not just superficially, but deeply, understanding the significance of it, far beyond the silly moment when she thoughtlessly made her mistake. We know that she has been qualified for every position she’s had and performed very well in each of them. Her colleagues and students love her. She’s going to be the best advocate out there for racial minorities. I think we should talk about that.

I just think progressives shouldn’t comment on this topic anymore. No good comes of it. We can control our narrative some and not throw gasoline on every damn fire the media or Trump lights. She’s a fine candidate.