Discussion: Merck CEO Leaves Panel Over Trump's Failure To Condemn White Supremacists

Was cranking that yesterday. Illinois passed a measure Sunday labeling nazis as terrorist group.


Trump is showing his real inner racist beliefs these days.
Congress should take note of this.
Trump just will not denounce the thugs, racists, misogynists, and Hitler sympathizer Nazis who back him.
This shame should stick like Gorilla Glue to him for the rest of his miserable existence.
trump is a national embarrassment. He makes Nixon look really good by comparison and I never thought I would say something like that as much as I hated Nixon.


The fucking Chancellor of Germany issued a statement more harshly worded than 45ā€™s, fer chrissakes.


Every single Democrat running for ANY office in 2017 and 2018 should just have videos of Trumpā€™s own words and tweets. With the ā€œcrawlerā€: THIS IS THE GOP.

The despicableness of this human being defies comprehension.


How can the President of the US even tweet something like that and not realize how fucking childish it sounds, and even worse folks in his party act like itā€™s ok too. WTF?


Around Putin I think heā€™s cocklicky

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DJT: you are inferior to both Frazier and Obama. Pence - you should primary the Donald - let him pick David Duke to be his running mate in 2020. Or - do the 25th Amendment thing ASAP.

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Good on Trump for dignifying the Merck CEO for doing the right thing.

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If youā€™re indulging in a stereotype about contemporary black artists, you should open your mind and your ears to Thundercat, Frank Ocean, Childish Gambino, Santigold, Saul Williams, Rihanna, Beyonce, and A Tribe Called Questā€¦ for starters.


Hopefully, the Merck CEO responds with a hearty: ā€œGo fuck yourself , asshole.ā€

And shortly after the dingbats tweet, Merck shares shot up!

Iā€™m sure spike in shares isnā€™t in celebration of that ā€œsupremacyā€ tweet!


Oh dear, one less of ā€œthe blacksā€ that donnie professes to have in his court. I guess Frazier felt he had ā€œsomething to loseā€.

Good for the Merck CEO. Now if other leaders would leave Trump for his refusal to denounce the Alt-Right maybe he would figure out that his white supremacist bullshit isnā€™t wanted.

My parents generation fought against the ancestors of these thugs with guns and bombs. They won at great cost. We shouldnā€™t let this cancer come back.


Good, it shows that even if heā€™s late in the game you can always turn back and make a difference. I expect Dipshit Thiel, on the other hand, will grit his teeth up until impeachment

The ā€œless than incredibleā€ shrinking Presidency. Sad.

Trump is gonna try again to rectify his fuck up about the neo-Naziā€™s.


You didnā€™t even bother to call Heatherā€™s family to offer condolences, didā€™ja?


Well, heā€™s making sure it wonā€™t be his White supremacist baseā€¦


Bob Iger, Elon Musk, and Travis Kalanick quit Trumpā€™s business council over the first six plus months of this administration and tRUMP does NOT take to Twitter with personal attacks and swipes! Letā€™s see what those three have in common (hmm?), and his (tRUMP) polar opposite reaction he had to Merckā€™s Kenneth Frazierā€™s resigned from tRUMP business council on principled grounds.

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Actually, Trump looks a bit relieved, though annoyed, with having to only denounce racism this morning. After declaring war on Venezuela and North Korea in the same week, the people of Tonga were beginning to wonder if they were next. Also sure didnā€™t help in Colombia, where Pence seemed unaware that the US has been involved in the war in Colombia since 1964, and despite the peace deal, still smolders like other frozen wars.

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