Discussion: Merck CEO Leaves Panel Over Trump's Failure To Condemn White Supremacists

You are absolutely right. This is very very scary. We have a Preshitident and the Executive branch of government threatening individual American citizens. This threatening official statement by Preshitident Trump and his administration against Merck sets a precedent for future Republican white christian conservative administrations to freely attack and threaten minority-led or minority-owned corporations and businesses.


If it was so easy to lash out at Mr. Frazier for leaving the WH panel, why is it so difficult to say anything of substance against a group of people who terrorized a town and killed an innocent person? The only difference I can see is that the terror group was white nationalists and Kenneth Frazier was…oh, now I get it.


What was Frazier thinking when he joined the council? To anyone paying minimal attention it was clear the Trump was courting the white supremacist sentiment in this country. Did he really missed the discussion about the “deplorables”? He agreed to collaborate with the deplorable-in-chief, and now he is surprised that he is horrible? Frazier deserves the insults that Trump is throwing at him.

Yep. Time to start applying pressure.

Oh, also, just like the racist f*cks are getting outed through crowdsourced id efforts, I think we should start taking pictures of everyone who enters or exits a Trump hotel and hand them a card letting them know the country is watching. Time for people who hand Donnie Dorko money to start sweating.

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Exactly! Trump is a verbal machine gun spewing out one vile bit after another.

As I stated on another thread, Heather D. Heyer has become the first martyr killed by donald j. trump.


BIG THANKS to antisachetdethe for posting this in an earlier comment. Nominate this as the go-to visual for baby hate creature for the month of August.


Fundamentally unfit to be called human.



Trump will attack anyone except for Putin and his Neo-Nazi/KKK/White Nationalist buddies.


Any executive who participates in one of this maladministration’s panels, boards, cabals, or whatever needs to take careful note. Trump will be no less hesitant to throw them under the bus than any other contractor in his business past. Their kollaboration is exposing their shareholders to significant political risk.


Or the Stones (Under My Thumb)

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His supporters know that he’s a racist. To them, that’s a feature, not a bug.

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I also note he has said nothing about Ted Nugent’s “Crush Your Face”.


Well, like me, he may never have listened to anything by the draft dodging poop pants.

Petulant 13 year old princess.

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Nothing from Trump when Scott Schoettes (white and most vocal) and half dozen others recently quit Presidential Panel on AIDS recently in disgust.

Nothing from Trump when Telsa’s Elon Musk or Disney’s Robert Igor (both white) quit business councils over climate change policy.

Nothing from Trump when most (10, mostly asian) resigned from President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders over immigration ban.

By jove, you may have something here…


Exactly. Why, if this bad thing is happening, did Trump not deal with it before?


My point exactly.

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LOL, I read it that way too. He such a grifter.


He wouldn’t be the only trumpp supporter to regret who he voted for. The lack of focus on the part of the Democratic party or by Clinton is debatable. She pointed out over and over again all the fallacies he presented, called him a puppet and so on, but his white nationalist base wanted him too much to listen to anything. Disagree with this if you have to but she won more votes than he did.