Nice tweet–What an F’ing infant…
The president isn’t merely infantile. He’s colicky.
Now that Kenneth Frazier of Merck has left the WH manufacturing council (and others will soon over future Trump transgressions), the business community will find time and resources to primary our Feckless Leader
My heavenly days, is this whiny baby a shame and an embarassment for this country.
Unbelievable. Just…unbelievable…
Shortly after Frazier announced his resignation, Trump hit back on Twitter criticizing Merck’s drug prices:
Now that Ken Frazier of Merck Pharma has resigned from President’s Manufacturing Council,he will have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 14, 2017
***THIS*** man some say, in the final analysis, would not be so impulsive and stupid as to using nuclear weapons against N. Korea. Color me less than sanguine.
I’m rubber and you’re glue!
Any African American who continues to support Trump at this point is a traitor to the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., Medgar Evers, and the many thousands of civil rights activists all over the country who literally put their lives on the line simply to obtain their rightful Constitutional rights in the Jim Crow era.
They are traitor to themselves and their kids and their families.
And everyone else in the world who is not a Nazi.
Yet they’ll buy the music of their peers peppered with the most vile misogynistic references and calls to violence. Running over a woman rightly gets you thrown in jail. Singing about beating one enriches you. Go figure.
Well, Trump would know about ripping people off.
Any woman who continues to support Trump
Any worker who continues to support Trump
Any Latino who continues to support Trump
Any student who continues to support Trump
And so on, is at best a chump.
In attaching high drug prices to Frazier’s resignation, Trump has effectively fingered Merck and Frazier, its black CEO, as scapegoats for a complex industry-wide problem. Profoundly insidious on many levels.
So, does Trump lash out at everyone who quits his sundry panels, or just the black people who do it?
Fundamentally unfit to be POTUS, proving it again and again, day after day.
What I found interesting was the implication (sure, it’s not exactly in the words if carefully read, but it’s there) that it’s OK to rip off the public as long as you’re supporting trump.
I noted in a post on Saturday that anyone who continues to operate near or in support of this man-child is complicit in all his actions.
Not that I am a big fan of Merck, but maybe this will begin the process of isolating this moron even more. When he is backed into a corner, he goes nuts, and the more he does, the more others will leave his circle.
Contact Merck and thank Kenneth Frasier for denouncing Trump.
Trump doesn’t have time to call out white nationalists but does have time to call out black CEO and his supporters still won’t admit he is an out and out racist.