Discussion: Merck CEO Leaves Panel Over Trump's Failure To Condemn White Supremacists

The Chancellor of Germany has an understanding of history and an appreciation of its lessons.


And the list continues…

Any thinking person who continues to support Trump
Anyone who supports our democracy, freedoms and institutions who continues to support Trump
Anyone who believes in the rule of law who continues to support Trump
Anyone who is LGBT who continues to support Trump
And on and on


Stay classy peepee, stay classy…

Uhhh…that’s not the fault of the Constitution you know…

It’s there, loud and clear.

Now that Trumpp doesn’t have to deal with one of those people on his executive panel, he will have more time to work on lowering drug prices industry wide. Annnnnd, he won’t even try. His promise to negotiate lower drug prices was campaign bait. Once the fishies are hooked, you don’t need the bait.

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I like that idea. It’s kind of similar to when a neighborhood is overrun by hookers and they start taking pictures of the johns to discourage the activities. Hey, if you want to hire the services of a prostitute like Trump, don’t be afraid to have your picture taken while doing it. Just like those fucking Nazis in Charlottesville that are being outed by the Twitter account “Yes,You’reRacist”.

Elon Musk resigned to silence.

If trump does something about price gauging by the pharma industry in the US, that would be a step forward.

The most tired jujitsu act ever…Donnie is never guilty of bad behavior or poor judgement.Remember, oh psychotic pretender,words have consequences, What you do and do not say matters greatly for a man in your position of responsibility.Please help us avoid repeating these incidents by learning this reality and acting like a man.


Reading comprehension problem???

I suggest you go back and reread my comment. I did not write "at this point is a traitor to the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.: in my reply.

You really need to stop fabricating your own truth, if you want to add to the discussion.


Flagged for purposefully misquoting someone and trolling.


Donald Trump and the fascists do not believe that.

In fact, they declare that all men are born unequal. From this it follows that some are born superior to others.

And, of course, fascists are the only ones who can determine who is superior.

Usually, they are, they say.

To quote a more revered philosopher than I…

“Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil.” Humans are so constituted that they follow their desires rather than their intellect; for this reason, they cannot change their evil ways until they experience a change of heart.

This is why there can be no denouncing.

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