Discussion: Melania Trump: My Husband's Words 'Are Unacceptable And Offensive'

Stockholm Syndrome


As an immigrant, a former model-stripper-dancer-escort-hooker-pornstar and naked plagiarist, Melaria is a very credible spokesperson on being classy. It would be better if the campaign’s Roger Ailes told Ivanka to wear a lot of lipstick, wear a revealing dress, twirl around and say “My darling Daddy is not a Groper or a Sexual Predator”.

oh, yes, that is a good visual reminder of what went on here.

Well given you married the pig, knowing he raped one of his previous wives, why pretend to be surprised with his vulgar words now?


What about his ACTIONS, Melania?

You hold the hand of the man of 1,000 pussies?

But his actions are how it became possible for me to become his third wife. Melania is being held hostage and needs an intervention.

Focus on the issues? What issues?

Time to queue up Trump Wife 4.0.

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So Melania is now an enabler? Certainly, she has plenty to lose if she doesn’t support her awful husband. Her acceptance of his apology should be taken with a barrel of salt, she has powerful financial motives to stand behind Trump.

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Two things. First, she definitely didn’t lift this speech from Michele Obama. Second, I hope the irony of Melania Trump forgiving her husband for his past transgressions is not lost on Republicans.

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Still waiting for an apology. Not some “but mommmmm, Billy did it too!!” statement.

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Melania: I am disappointed as well as I thought I was his Tic Tac Toe babe. That was all ours.

“He has the hope and mind of a leader. I hope people will accept his
apology as I have and focus on the important issues facing our nation
and the world. The fact that I’ve phoned my attorney twelve times
in the past 24 hours is totally coincidental.”


Yeah, kind of like HRC’s first instinct when the Big Dog couldn’t keep his zipper up was to protect her husband. Not the Donnie Dipshit would recognize the real equivalence here.

[quote] but know this America likes you a lot better than we like your husband and we will all stand behind you and help you get away from this fiend.

Speak for yourself. I don’t like her very much more than I like her waste-of-perfectly-good-oxygen husband, and most of the folks I know feel similarly. I pity her more than anything else.

“The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me. This does not represent the man that I know,” Melania Trump said.

So you’re saying you don’t know your own husband, and neither do the American people? You’ve been betrayed?

Because he’s cheated on wives in the past, and this is him admitting to trying to sleep with a married woman while married to you.

A lawyer may be in order.

We joke, but my guess she has already hired an attorney, and will file the papers in Dec or Jan.


Does this mean she an enabler. Calling Carlie Rose and John Dickerson.

Sorry, Melanomia. Too little, too late. Heir Orange Anus will lose, and he will lose by a landslide now.


Can anyone honestly say they care what Melania says? We all know she did not write the statement and thus the words were just that, words. So no, I feel no need to accept her apology!

I see ‘Pre-Nup’ written all over her statement.

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