Discussion: Melania Trump: My Husband's Words 'Are Unacceptable And Offensive'

Slovenia doesn’t send their best. They send us the ones with the problems. They plagiarize. They encourage the harassment of Jewish journalists at GQ magazine. They take our modeling jobs. Worst of all they enable a degradation of our political system.


Well, hope she got it up front. In cash. Have to be in cash. No way to get a cashier’s check until Monday.

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Nope. Prenup.

I don’t believe that Melania wrote this statement much less believes what it says. No, this was written by someone in the campaign trying stop the damage. Fail.


pity, still she can get away from this deplorable person.

“The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me,” Melania Trump said.

“… but, Donald Jr. and Eric don’t seem to mind.”

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“CNN had Giuliani and Kellyanne going into the Tower about noon”, almost sounds like they were going into the Tower of London by the river entrance!

Malania is “standing by her man.” Trump, Giuliani, Christi and the surrogates have condemned Hillary for the same thing. I want to see how they spin this. Furthermore, Trump never mentioned Malania during his so-called apology last night. He has no showed no respect toward her. So very sad.


Looking at the pics above your post… if Michelle Obama had taken so much as a cheesecake photo, the right wing would have made her life a living hell. The hypocrisy of the right is just breathtaking.


Maybe it was Reince Priebus, whose name (as someone more clever than I pointed out) with all the vowels removed is RNC PR BS.

Wait until she finds out that Trump has already cheated on her. Wonder how tight the prenup is written.

For the GOP, this is the ultimate result of Nixon’s Southern Strategy. It invited a bunch of ignorant, racist southerners into the party. They sort of laid dormant until the election of Obama. As I have often said, racism is like rocket fuel, and the party decided to try to channel their hate, and use it to beat Obama, It won them the house and senate. But they never imagined a demagogue like Trump would come along.

Do you remember the scene at the end of the movie “Animal House,” where the Deltas destroyed the parade? There is one part where one of the Deltas barges into the front of the marching band and pushes the drum major out of the way and starts leading the parade? Eventually, he leads the band down a blind alley and they all crash into a brick wall? That is today’s GOP. Down a blind alley, smashing to a brick wall. It started with Nixon, but you can blame every leader since Newt for ginning up the hate and anger that made Trump their nominee.


If Trump’s man-crush were on the roof of another hotel, we’d have Putin on the Ritz.


Melania Trump DOES NOT consider Sexual Assault within “The Important Issues”… yeeeeh I wonder why?

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The joke I’ve seen on the internets is that it took her a whole day to make this brief statement because Michelle Obama has never been this angry with Barack.


I remember the freak out when she had “Naked” arms.


He said it when she was pregnant with their son. And even in his second apology, he didn’t apologize for doing what he said he did, only for saying it.


Shorter Melania: Believe me. I have no clue who Donald is. Please believe his PR people.

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Ladies and gentlemen, Melania Trump’s remarks are a classic case of enabling.


Yes. I suspect that her whole early life was to develop herself and her body as a commodity, to trade for the most gold plated, reliable meal ticket she could find. That security-based goal-seeking may turn some people off, but is quite understandable for many who grow up with minimal resources in less than secure circumstances. I doubt that she is all that upset by his wandering ways, so long as she doesn’t lose that top-drawer meal ticket she paid for. A personally dignified appearance is likely not the be-all and end-all for someone who publicly displays herself nude for pay. What I suspect is way beyond what she planned for is his crazy self-destructive Presidential ambitions. In that regard she is ill prepared, knows it, and has tried to keep a low profile. To that degree I sympathize with her. Mildly.