Discussion: Melania Trump: My Husband's Words 'Are Unacceptable And Offensive'

At least we know this is one speech she didn’t copy from Michelle Obama.


I suspect Melania has signed an NDA, too. Depending on how good her pre nup is she may divorce this sexual predator sooner rather than later.

She is right. Little Donnie-boy does have the mind of a leader of a gang of 10 year old mentally challenged boys.


A week ago, Donald was a genius because he took advantage of tax loopholes, but now he’s unacceptably offensive for taking advantage of women, even according to his bitch (by which, I of course mean Mike Pence) and now his wife.

Obviously this is the strategy from the campaign since it’s coordinated. But it’s hard to imagine “I suck, vote for me” is that effective of a message.


More like Melania Trump implied Sexual Assault is NOT an "Important Issue"




Melania is ok with his grabbing p***** where ever he can, because it lets him work off the urges before he gets home every night. Anything not to be subjected to him every night. In Sovenia this is called being a real MAN.

Little Donnie-boy does like to be a pioneer, so he is opening new ground for political slogans.

Wait! What? I thought any woman who would stay with a philandering husband should be shot or something – isn’t that what Donald said? I had no idea he was offering up his own current wife.


Beat me to it. I was wondering if this was spoken to the music of a prenup being shredded :grinning:

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The Hell with the safety of Mel and son, what about the safety of the other 300,000,000 of us?

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Melania is ok with his grabbing pussy… (Fixed It For You, cos shouldn’t “sugar-coat” Trump’s words)

Melania is OK with Grabbing OTHER WOMEN’S PUSSY besides Her By The Pussy… This Melania

The Obamas have provided an inspiring model of a good marriage and family for our country. The total opposite of the Trump model.


Like going from watching PBS’ NOVA to Here Comes Honey Boo Boo


I’ll continue to sleep w with and have sex with him as well as enjoy the luxurious life he provides me.

Let me see if I’ve got this right, his words are unacceptable but you’ve accepted his apology.


Trump is 70 years old. From the beginning they have supported Trump with their eyes on the inheritance. I have always believed this and more so now…

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I think perhaps she is thinking about her next residence being the White House. Not going to happen, but obviously she hopes it does.

On the tape trump reveals himself. This is VERY VERY important folks. He thinks he can say and do anything up to and very much including when President and say and do it WITHOUT ANY CONSEQUENCES …I’m not yelling, just trying to emphasize this point.
He thinks there will be no consequences…ever


Be strong Melania, under these circumstances you can divorce him and take everything he has. It has to be difficult and confusing to learn about your husbands behavior in such a public manner. The first reactions to defend and protect the person you are married to has to be strong, but know this America likes you a lot better than we like your husband and we will all stand behind you and help you get away from this fiend.