Discussion: Melania Trump: My Husband's Words 'Are Unacceptable And Offensive'

I wonder whether this statement, rather clearly crafted for her by the campaign, is in some sneaky way a set-up line for The Donald’s anticipated (and promised) attack on the Clintons tomorrow evening in St. Louis. That would be a possible tune if the idea of Hillary as an enabler by defending Bill, is made prominent, with Melania’s ‘criticism’ held up as evidence of Hillary’s inauthenticity. Or I may be overthinking this…


Nah—that kind of self-abasement carries a much heftier price tag—north of $1 million in cash.


By Don John Trump’s logic, how is that Lady Melania isn’t guilty of enabling Don John’s misogyny and disparagement and mistreatment of women?


Well, at least we know she didn’t steal this one from Michelle.


CNN had Giuliani and Kelly Anne going into the Tower about noon. Obviously didn’t answer any questions.

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Wow, that was fast! No, not that! I mean checking over the pre-nup with her lawyer. Have to be careful!

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Bill’s transgressions are not Hillary’s and Donald’s are not Melania’s.

At least our side should have the sense to realize that.

That Donald Trump is a sexual predator is his fault and his responsibility alone.


She’s on the roof of the Plaza


Full court press to save Trump.

Total nonsense of course.




I hope people will accept his apology as I have and focus on the important issues facing our nation and the world.

So the logical extension of this line of babble is that all of this ugly talk was just Donald having a sort of case of ‘potty mouth’ and now that he has been scolded, it is time to “focus on the important issues facing our nation and the world” - and clearly Trump’s abusive behavior toward women is not important.


Does it bother these people who claim that Donald’s words “are not the man they know?!”

Ron Reagan said that the thing that made him respect his father more than anything was that Ronald Reagan was Ronald Reagan. The way he spoke at the podium was how he spoke at home. The way he spoke at home was the way he spoke at the podium. He was not an actor in real life.

I did not vote for him but that is one of the greatest compliments a kid could say about their father or mother–they were authentic people who were comfortable in their own skin.

Donald Trump has many personalities and you never who is showing up where and when. He is a chameleon, a fox in sheep’s clothing, a fake, a fraud, a con man who needs psychiatric counseling.

What the hell were the Republicans thinking when they voted for this man? They weren’t, that’s the problem.

I have no sympathy for Melania. Stuff it, Ma’m, you cannot shove him down our throats either, but if apologizing for your husband’s behavior makes you feel better, okay.


Mel - Something to consider: The advance on the tell-all book will be much more than the amount of the pre-nup. But, you have to act fast.


“The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me. This
does not represent the man that I know,” Melania Trump said. “He has the
hope and mind of a leader. I hope people will accept his apology as I
have and focus on the important issues facing our nation and the world.”

Melania, Girl I am sorry for you and your son. I really am that you have to live thru this but you should not forgive this. He cheated on you and BRAGGED about going after another married woman. Didn’t work but that’s not the point. He bragged about grabbing parts he shouldn’t using words a sexual predator uses. You should get out of your marriage. That’s just my opinion but from what I see you have serious issues you need to talk about with a 3rd party. Stat. Melania, stat. For your own safety and that of your son.


She’s an adult woman. She chooses to participate in all this. No sympathy.


There is no fucking way Donny dRumpf is becoming POTUS. You can quote me on that.


Has anyone checked the post-scandal-breaking statements of the wives of Vitter, Craig, et al? From which statement did Mel plagiarize?

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She’s something of a victim of donald’s I agree, but she chose to be. She got to leave Slovenia and stay here married to a rich man, with all the publicity and material comfort he represented. She’ll be dumped some time after the election as he acts out in rage, she’ll take the boy and some money after signing a non-disclosure agreement and he’ll marry a younger woman. She’s echoed all of trumpet’s statements on birtherism, if you didn’t know, so to my way of thinking, she’s donald in a dress.


A dress and Joan Crawford CFM pumps.

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