Discussion: Melania Trump: My Husband's Words 'Are Unacceptable And Offensive'



She, Maldova, knows the ‘routine’.

This statement by Malinka must be in Slovanese because it makes no sense in American.

Well, several commentators noted that Donald did not apologize to Melania in his TV statement. Perhaps Donald asked forgiveness in private, but he sure didn’t think to include his wife when he brusquely said “I apologize.”

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My better half just pointed out that such a move would almost guarantee that she never got custody of her son. I can see HO taking that route out of spite and then leaving the kid alone with caretakers because he doesn’t actually care.

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No judge in New York would award HO custody.


I agree that it is not right to pile on Melania. When a spouse is confronted with this information, it is monstrous to expect them to deal with it publicly. She said a vanilla statement, nothiing else would or could happen. I hope she gets a lot of money in her alimony.

That would be the Watergate. Really

I’m truly, truly sorry, but I laughed out loud at this. I’m not as ashamed as Billy Bush is, but I feel real bad about it. :joy: :relaxed: :smile: No, really.

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This comes from a woman that posed nude?

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“What I love about Donald Trump is that he really says what he thinks.”
~Everybody Who Supports Trump

BUT , she still wants people to vote for him .
AND , " My daughter has a looooooooooooovely ass " .

Your husband is unacceptable in general, princess.

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It’s probably hers. She must be pissed off at having to give it though. I doubt a woman married to Trump for as long as she’s been is very surprised by his remarks. But he did and she has to go to bat for him. And tell us that we should forget all that pussy grabbing and redirect to what’s really important. I suppose that would be emails and a blow job in 1994.

Who’s running this shitshow? After an on tape no doubt about it fuck up you lay low. You don’t try to clean it up. You can’t. You lay low and act as if it never happened. This is not how you do it.

Just as long as Donald doesn’t come after her any longer with his Small Hands and Tic Tacs she will forgive him and accept any expensive jewelry and real estate he has to bestow on her to keep the peace.

Not if you are running on empty and there isn’t enough time to hot wire another stolen car.

At this point, they will send out Christie, Carson, Rudy or any other conservative whore who is still willing to dress up in drag and sing the billionaire blues. You wonder what Cole Porter could have done with this NYC scandal. Lin-Manuel Miranda did a pretty good job of it last night on SNL.

I thought I saw Michelle Bachmann spinning somewhere last night in full crisis management mode. Very telling. Donald must be offering cold hard cash instead of ambassadorships to the usual Christian Wrong apologists.

When times get hard, carpetbaggers and fake Christians magically appear out of nowhere with their palms stretched out and ready to be scratched by the very con men and sexual predators they claim only Democrats produce.

Bring on more of the conservative clowns. Make this an even bigger spectacle… if that is even possible.

It was tastefully done. The same cannot be said of anything her husband does.

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And it gives lie to the Rethug proclamations of blaming Hillary for not “controlling” her husband. So these are the “Character Matters” Republicans?

Because of course it seems like this is a one off based on his comments…

His words??!?? How about the behavior he admitted to?

"The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me."

But the perks of my job are great, and my pre-nup ain’t the best, so what the heck.