Discussion: McConnell Not Following Confirmation Process He Demanded From Reid In '09

And DeVos, and Pruitt, and…


Of course this raging hypocrite had a different plan when a Democrat was in office. He is a despicable excuse for a human being, and I rage at the voters of Kentucky for re-electing him. One can only pray for illness or disability to rid the Congress of this boil on the ass of our body politic.


Well, of course there is the small matter that Obama’s team was preparing for a potential transition (even in the midst of an unprecedented economic crisis), and was vetting candidates and preparing paperwork to be submitted as soon as possible.

We should remind McConnell & Trump of the fact that “procrastination on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.”


Following up my own question (thanks to everyone for the replies), this is in WaPo:

It says up until the 70s, the review was limited and candidates sailed through. But Bert Lance’s issues were an embarrassment for Carter and the Democrats, so the democrats instituted the rule of requiring a review. For the past 40 years it has followed. Until now.


So what else is new, McConnell is a liar, fraud and a hypocrite. Nothing new here. . . move along.


Consistency is the hobgoblin of Democratic minds.


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this is completely different than 2009, 1) Trump is not Black


Mitch is behaving like a spoiled child at best. At worst, he is behaving like a recently appointed Gestapo Commander.This man has no shame, no humility, no compassion. He is the face of a modern day Quisling. Is it too early, to impeach Trump, McConnell, (Trump’s new poodle), and Ryan ( Trump’s older poodle) ? Or do we have to wait for the Nuremberg Trials Part II. ?.

The funny thing with the sane* American electorate is that, regardless of party affiliation, they won’t brook lawbreaking and ethical entanglements for too long. Nearly every major political scandal that toppled the rich and powerful in DC, local statehouses or city councils came about when the public realized they were being played for fools. Once that momentum starts, it can’t be stopped.

Right now, people are just realizing they have to pay the debts on their drunken, year-end holiday spending spree. The American news sector is as beholden to its own financiers’ political and economic aims, not unlike Trump himself. It’s why the quality of reporting on the screamingly obvious criminality and ethics violations of the incoming administration varies so much from reporter to reporter within the same news organization. Some editors/reporters’ work is shaped by the invisible hand of upper management, while others in the newsroom reject the subtle messages to hew to a particular party line of the vulture capitalists who control the budgets and promotions.

The trick to jump start public awareness about the many and various ways the incoming Trump administration is breaking the law is to start sharing the wealth of legitimate watchdog, transparency, and public policy groups’ exposés on social media. These are NOT Media Matters and the usual liberal blog bullshit but serious organizations with deep knowledge of how democracy works and where corners get cut by politicians. See: The GOP’s gutting of House rules last week.

Get this stuff into the hands of journalists/columnists who have the platform to distribute widely. Submit OpEds to your local newspaper that breaks down the facts and explain how/why the violation matters in plain “play-by-the-rules” terms. Connect the dots on disparate news reports that shine a light on bigger, nefarious schemes. See: TPM’s stellar, award-winning work on the Bush Administration’s AG scandal.

The alligators can be exterminated. We out-number them.

*Not including hyper-partisans and mindless wingers here, just everyday people who vote regularly, pay taxes and try to live life by some moral standard not cut from The Lord of the Flies.

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They should be in before the hearings, Mitch, so Senators can question the nominees about any worrisome discrepancies, lacuna, or conflicts of interest - not right before the vote when no one has time to review all the material, and no way to get responses to questions the background material raises.

But then you know all that. You’re just a sleazeball.


Sad news - reminiscent of Trump’s statement during the campaign - These A-holes could shoot 100 people on video in Times Square and there is a large enough block of the lunatic right that guarantees that they would not even get a reprimand - the right wing is so invested in hanging on to the controls - and they will mimic Trump in that they will never admit a mistake - admitting mistakes is a sign of weakness - screw the truth - never never admit a mistake no matter how absurd… and unfortunately for the world - these loons are of the mind that - Now that they have control - if it looks like they could lose control - they will go nuclear - they would rather blow up the world than be forced to accept leadership that is not aligned with their thinking.


This turtle is ass-backwards in his fucking shell. Send up the nominees vetting information after we’ve had the hearings??? In what world does that make any sense whatsoever. On CBS’ Face the Nation it probably made perfect sense however. I dare say I don’t see that there was much followup on that point. Just fucking stenography as usual. Its not prior to the vote morons, its prior to the fucking hearing! Is that so hard to comprehend? Why bother to have hearings, if not to be thorough and accountable to the public?



Totally unfair to McC. His demands for a certain process for Obama’s appointees were made in a letter, not in his heart.


‘Republican’ is just another way to say ‘motherfucking hypocrite’.

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Here’s a little nice time to lesson the anger at this McTurtle Post:

HRC goes to see The Color Purple last night and this happens:


I was thinking this exact thing. What’s sauce for the goose…

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Its time for Schumer to shoot off the same exact letter addressed to Mitch McConnell!

Funny though, it is duly noted that Mitch’s letter to Harry was dated February 9, 2016, and to day is January 9, 2017, and OGCE has sent a shout out, we have NOT received the required completed forms from any of Trump’s billionaire nominees!

Mitch is looking more and more like a fool every single day!


I rarely do this… “Who kidnapped McConnell’s chin?”

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