Discussion: Mayor Pete Buttigieg Makes His Move In Early-Voting States

I don’t see Buttigieg’s homosexuality being more of a negative with black people than Trump’s racism. I mean holy shit he advocated for the death penalty for a group of black kids falsely accused of rape. He’s been cited multiple times for refusing to rent housing to black people. His quotes about black people are pretty incredible “they’re too stupid to vote for me”

I mean seriously, how could you imagine that he would somehow get enough black votes to beat Buttigieg? Do you think they wouldn’t show up?


We need Luther Vandross to come back from the Great Beyond and bring everyone together.


She would also make a bad ass POTUS !


No, nobody imagines. I imagine people simply not showing up to vote, finding something else to do that day, not sticking it out in a long line, or voting for every office except the presidency.

Lord! (waves hand to Jesus) Luther, especially big Luther, would fix it all.


Done and done. Bookmark it.

I think for some Black and Latino voters, there is an “ick” factor with Buttigieg that would keep them home instead of voting, yes.

Remember it’s not just that he’s gay, but very visibly married. The idea of a First Husband with a woman running for President is already a radical thought for some folks. A First Husband married to a male President might be a bridge too far.

I don’t think it will matter because he’s not likely to win the primary, but I’m glad he’s in the race, and hope he can find a way to advance in politics afterward. I like the way he’s able to explain things clearly. We need more of that.

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We could tell Mayor Pete he needs to use “Never Too Much” as his campaign entrance music. :wink:

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Ah, the ol’ horse race. Why are we still doing these stories?

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If you examine the context of his remarks about his religion, you’ll see (I hope) that they all grow out of some specific issue or question, e.g. when asked if Pence would be a better or worse president than Trump, he noted (inter alia) differences between Pence’s focus on “rectitude” and sinful sexuality and his own sense that Scripture primarily taught lessons about humility, helping those less fortunate, etc. He’s always careful to say that his opinions are his own. I see no attempt to use religion to “bolster [his] image” or to pander to those voters who “expect their politicians to be religious.” Quite the reverse, in fact.


I don’t really agree about the B player thing but I think a lot of the long shot candidates–like Mayor Pete, Beto maybe, have gone as far as they can in their red states or are term limited in their Blue states or just want to spotlight an issue-- and are angling for a cabinet position or VP slot.

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You wish. I don’t obey orders very well. Especially from the PC police. Are you a captain, or maybe a general in that brigade?

The only thing I care about is beating Trump, and I will present reasoned arguments why someone might be a good or not so good candidate. Having Buttigieg at the top of the ticket is taking an unnecessary risk in my opinion…

Isn’t TPM great? You get a chance to hear from Americans like me who are not trapped in a liberal bubble. You’re welcome.

It was not an order; it was advice, since you kept on sticking your foot firmly in your mouth. Whether you accept that advice or not is entirely up to you. Suffice to say that you really have not come across well in this thread.

I will present reasoned arguments why someone might be a good or not so good candidate.

That is not what you have done in this thread.


Hey! A (female) friend paid us a visit today. She changed my mind about Pete Buttigieg. She convinced me that he would make a good VP candidate. She thought that we need someone presidential with experience, like Biden, at the top of the ticket. She convinced me that Biden-Buttigieg would be a winning ticket.

She said that that we need two white dudes on the ticket, after what happened to a female candidate in 2016. Let the female candidates wait until 2024. Honest to God, that’s what she said!

And except that I am OK with a female VP candidate in 2020, I agree with her.

Sadly, that’s all they are capable of and/or can afford. These are far cheaper and easier and quicker to write than in-depth policy discussions.

“Gillibrand is up 1% among left-handed red-state chiropractors!!! This is great news for John McCain!!! Film at 11!!!”


Duly noted. Thank you for your (relative) graciousness.

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I believe this is typical of underclasses and oppressed people. Just being oppressed doesn’t make you wise or generous, anymore than being abused teaches how to be a good parent. Or other examples, men (black men in the US, lower-caste men in India, …) want to stop their own oppression to move up the ladder. But often don’t notice they continue to oppress women (cause that is god’s plan after all).

In the madman era, when women (white women) needed a man to get ahead or get stability, they were characterized as being ‘catty’, ‘backbiting’, and ‘sly’. Second wave feminism tried to promote ‘the sisterhood’ where we would support & help each other! Yes, it only partly worked, because it was still focused on professional class white women. But the idea was sound. And I can say I personally benefited from & grew, from that concept.

We are none of us perfect, but yes, the goal is what you said. Take care of each other!!!


Well, the rich and powerful do have a long and impressive record of playing different parts of the masses against each other, with the goal being that the focus stays well away from who is doing the oppression…


Yeah, I’m not a Marxist. And yet sometimes you come back around to ways that he made sense.

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I am a believer in God which, I guess, makes me a member of the Christian Left. I like and try to live Micah 6:8 which tells me all God expects of me is to love mercy, demand justice and to walk humbly with my God. I try to follow Jesus’ admonition to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, assist the less fortunate and love everyone as I wished to be loved.
I have no use for the political “Christians” or those who think they are better loved by God. That is not spirituality to me.


Don’t have to be a Marxist to agree that he had salient and legitimate points to make.

Recognizing the problem can be relatively easy and universally acknowledged by evidence.

The solutions, however, that’s where we keep getting tripped up, and forming various types of systems to try to better address it…