Discussion: Mayor Pete Buttigieg Makes His Move In Early-Voting States

Which of the candidates have actual experience setting foreign policy as opposed to speaking what they think our foreign policy should be?

I think Sanders would make a wholly adequate VP

Leonard Cohen always says it best.


Two thingsā€¦

  1. The people raising the issue about minorities and LGBTs absolutely know what theyā€™re talking about. Those who donā€™t think it wonā€™t really be an issue, really donā€™t. I am black and have always been black and one of the most crazy-making, rage inducing problems I have with my own community is the abject homophobia. It IS bad. Really, really fucking bad. A lot of black folks, not unlike white folks, think rights are a pie and that if someone else is getting rights then they must be taking them away from them. Many black folks see gay as a lifestyle choice. At least once a week I have to unfriend someone who starts a FB post off with, ā€œI donā€™t have anything against gays, but the homosexual lifestyleā€¦ā€ Itā€™s gross. Itā€™s maddening. Itā€™s stupid as fuck, but itā€™s a really big problem. And itā€™s not just black folks. Itā€™s Latinos too. If you have some time just Google how often trans women of color come up dead or missing.

  2. One of the things I love about Pete is that he is going at the religious issue. Itā€™s about fucking time some Democrat did. Look, weā€™re not going to eradicate religion in any of our lifetimes. Itā€™s not happening, so get over it. What we can do is turn their religious hypocrisy against them so that they can no longer use it as cudgel with which to beat Democrats over the head. Weā€™ve allowed them to use Christianity as some kind of shield against criticism for their worst prejudices and indulgences. Nobody does that better than Pence, and he gets away it because we allow him to because Democrats are afraid of upsetting our far more secular base. Iā€™m glad somebody is finally saying, ā€œEnough!ā€ We Democrats govern by Christā€™s virtues in many respects. Weā€™re the ones who believe in caring for the sick, feeding the poor, and throwing the money changers out of the temple. Itā€™s time we learn to act like it instead of cowering away from this conversation.


Thereā€™s no way in hell Biden would be stupid enough to put another white guy on this ticket. Iā€™m not just talking about Pete, Iā€™m talking about any white dude. He needs youth, color, and estrogen. If Biden wins then itā€™s either going to be Harris or Abrams, but it wonā€™t be a white dude from a small town.


personally, I still think he should be running for senate.


There are others in the running right now that I like more, but Buttigieg does impress me.


Damn, youā€™re good, Plucky.
I salute you.


I think you may have missed the point. In both cases - your saying you ā€œhave nothing against homosexualsā€ and your saying you ā€œhave nothing against POCā€ - youā€™re making them ā€œthe otherā€. Maybe you donā€™t mean it that way, but thatā€™s the way Iā€™m reading it.


My BFF had started rolling his eyes a little because I talked about Buttigieg so glowingly, but then the other day he called and said sarcastically ā€œWell, I saw your BOYFRIEND on Meet the Pressā€ but went on to say he was really impressed by him. He tends to be very cynical about politicians but likes super smart people and thought Mayor Pete had a very good grasp of the issues.


I hear your warning about this and itā€™s absolutely to be taken seriously. But that said, how many votes did Obamaā€™s skin color cost the Democrats? And yet, right? And heā€™s got some similaritiesā€”when objective people hear him answer a question or propose a solution, theyā€™re instantly intrigued. Like I said, I hear you, but I live myself in the blue burbs of Philly, itā€™s a world I know well, and Iā€™ll bet you the famous educated suburban women contingent would wade through ankle-deep molten lava to knock on doors for him. Somebody better at this analysis than me would have to look at the benefit-cost ratio but thereā€™s a magic there few of us here deny. Heā€™s the anti-Trump. Iā€™m not saying heā€™s my pick yet or should be anyone elseā€™s. Let 'em run, I say, and weā€™ll see who looks best. But I said ā€œWhoā€™s this guy?ā€ when Obama showed up a while back. Iā€™m saying that now and Iā€™m not alone.


My sentiments exactly.


Tulsi Gabbard already has ā€œthe worstā€ locked up, so that end of it is no fun.


Be nice!

(One of us should.)


If this doesnā€™t work out then hell yeah. I also think he should be considered for some position within the next administration too. Todd Young is up for reelection in 2022, so that would give Mayor Pete two years to continue to raise his profile before an election.

Thatā€™s a completely different issue. Obama only ever needed to not lose too many white votes that he could then make up with black and brown votes. No Democrat can afford to lose a significant portion of the black and brown vote and win. Obamaā€™s skin color was never going to keep black and brown voters at home, only white voters and he essentially needed to turn that vote on overdrive. Thatā€™s a different problem than what Mayor Pete would have.

While thatā€™s true, how many songs were on the radio in 2008 in which singers talked about ā€œNo Negroā€? Because ā€œno homoā€ is a pretty popular refrain in the hip hop world although it has gotten a bit better. Homophobia remains a lot more acceptable and even mainstream in communities of color. I also think people need to consider that POC are some of the most religious Americans. By far. The PP coalition isnā€™t really that religious in comparison and there are a lot of black folks and Catholic brown people who think homosexuality is essentially a sin. Plus, as bad as the white community has itā€™s issues with toxic masculinity, itā€™s adorable compared to that of communities of color.


Absolutely. Weā€™ll see. I just think this board really suffers badly from a lack of diversity and some things just arenā€™t understood because frankly we live in an incredibly segregated country. A lot of white liberals think they know whatā€™s going on in communities of colors yet have no earthly idea and it often shows. Horribly and embarrassingly badly. I donā€™t think you are one of those folks by any means, but I just think it doesnā€™t hurt to have an actual black person weigh in on what is going on with the partyā€™s most loyal constituency.


Iā€™ll see your $20 and raise you a Buttigieg/Abrams

*not sure if thatā€™s the correct betting terminology, Iā€™m not a gambler and only get my references from old episodes of The Big Valley. :confused:


O/T, but that somehow reminds me of the time someone asked an older black friend if he had experienced a lot of prejudice serving in the army during World War II. He laughed and said no, because he could type, so they assigned him to work in an office for a bunch of generals, ā€œAnd they were all gay and everybody was cool.ā€


Stacey Abrams would be such a bad ass veep. Wow.


LOL I love that. I just donā€™t get it. I mean, Iā€™ve literally cried over this issue because most of my closest friends are white, gay men and it hurts badly to see them rejected for being who they are. To me, black people and gay people should go together like peanut butter and jelly. We like the same shit, weā€™ve got the same struggle, I just donā€™t get it.