Discussion: Mayor Pete Buttigieg Makes His Move In Early-Voting States

Honestly, we have an absolutely fabulous field of candidates to choose from. Most of them would be wonderful presidents, and they are far better than that piece of filth occupying the office right now.


I think that only goes for the ā€œflamingā€ types since thatā€™s all you will ever see on FOX News, etc. Heā€™s not like that, and in fact the ā€œflamingā€ trait is unattractive for heteros as well.

I think his problem is that he has zero foreign policy experience. Yes, he was 7 months in Afghanistan with the Navy, but thatā€™s not enough. I think for now he might be an excellent VP choice for someone like a Biden. Biden does on term, then Buttigieg has the experience and runs in 2024. Just a hypothetical. That might be a good way to get to the young progressive President where middle America (key bloc) accepts it.


And another administration that looks like the last 44 out of 45.


Leonard Cohen said it best:

I canā€™t run no more
With that lawless crowd
While the killers in high places
Say their prayers out loud
But theyā€™ve summoned, theyā€™ve summoned up
A thundercloud
And theyā€™re going to hear from me


44.First Black President.

45.First Orange President.


An openly gay VP is definitely not like any of the first 45. Iā€™d prefer a Kalama Harris perhaps. I was being hypothetical on how Buttigieg will be perceived. I just canā€™t see him winning in 2020 due to the fact that he is a Mayor. He needs more under his belt.

But I will say letā€™s not make the mistake of pushing a candidate only due to race or gender. We made that mistake in 2016. In 2008, Obama was not elected due to being black, that would be a mistake. He was in fact a great candidate. Letā€™s see what happens, itā€™s a wide open field right now. But if Biden runs, he HAS to select a young and progressive VP if he wins the nomination.

Perhaps first Orange Jump Suit President as well.


Iā€™m good with that.


Itā€™s still two white males, whether one of them is gay or both of them are gay.


Iā€™ll put $20 on Harris/Buttigeig.


Looking at this board tells me again why I love this country soā€¦

I have seen so many points of view and all I can add is one that I would not know for sure unless I was a sibling of Buttigieg:

Trump has led us into a darkness I must confess I thought I would never see in my lifetime. To tell the truth, the anti-Obama racism and the unleashing of the things which made Trump even on the ballot was a complete surprise.

To combat Trump we have been forced to enter his world.

The sure winner against Donald Trump (should he even be on the ballotā€“which I doubt) will be an individual who will have FDR-esque light at his grasp and will be able to project that light. Once the public feels that, the policy positions will have to be blended into that sense ofā€“literallyā€“deliverance from our plight.

I saw Buttigieg on Maher a few weeks ago but was unable to get much of a sense of who he was, short of the fact that I liked his spunk when Bill tried to corner him once.


Caught a bit of him in a CNN interview a couple weeks back. Very impressive answers, does a great job breaking concepts down into easy-to-understand bits, clearly connects well with the audience.


Mayor Peteā€™s 7 months in Afghanistan trumps any foreign policy experience Agent Orange has outside of cutting sweetheart deals for hotels in Moscow.


As long as a Dem wins the election, I donā€™t care what their race or gender are. I care about being able to beat Bozo. If it can be Harris, Warren, or Gillebrand, thatā€™s fine too. Weā€™ll see how the primaries shake out.


Do they make 'em that big?

Asking for a ā€œfriendā€ā€¦

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He can claim he has had 4 years in office as Commander in Chief, even though he is an idiot. Thatā€™s experience. Pete B will need some before he can be the top candidate.

As long as a hat is not part of the uniform, the head (ego) wonā€™t fit into any hat ever made.

Letting the reich wing co-op Christianity has been a disaster. Itā€™s time to challenge them, and I think Mayor Pete may be the one to do it.
FWIW, Iā€™m local, and a fan. Iā€™m also a member of a church that is all about social justice.


He can claim to be the savior returned to earth too.

Anyone not in a coma the last two years wonā€™t think of Agent Orange as a seasoned, savvy foreign policy pro unless heavy psychedelics are involved.

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I really like Mayor Pete and I like him better the more I get to know about him.

Heā€™s my preferred choice at this point which means heā€™s doomed.

My pick rarely makes it past New Hampshire. :sob: