Discussion: Mayor Pete Buttigieg Makes His Move In Early-Voting States


Oh, honeyā€¦


My feeling was this was him laying the groundwork in case of a Pence run for president in 2020. Because if thereā€™s a weaselly, pandering, disingenuous chance of Pence running, the weasel will run.



I donā€™t want to go any further, but hahahaha


The nice (?) thing is that, if so, that will come out early in the primary campaign. Weā€™ll know well before making a final choice whether Buttigieg has an issue with black voters. And vice versa.


I know I do!


Not sure how it would relate to the national stage but Mayor Pete was re-elected with 80 percent of the vote. South Bend is 46 percent minority.


Really good point. Heā€™s number #2 for now. After two terms of ___________(fill in the blank, preferably a woman), he can take his shot.


You are like cadet bone spurs: here is my black


Heā€™d be good with any of the women running. Except Tulsi Gabbard who is anathema.

I donā€™t have a problem with his taking on the religious right at all - I hope itā€™s effective.


Whatā€™s not to love! :blush:


Washington, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, and Minnesota will no longer caucus and will instead hold primaries for 2020. This change is likely to have a big impact on voting.


I donā€™t want to say itā€™s just you, but, you know, it may be just you.

Which isnā€™t to say your feelings arenā€™t valid. Sometimes, though, we bring things to the table that maybe lose sight of the big picture. He may give off an exclusionary ā€œvibeā€ to you, but Mike Pence instituted exclusionary policies that directly attacked Buttigiegā€™s legal and social rights. If religion keeps being brought up as an issue with him, itā€™s in large part because the words and actions of Governor Mike Pence made damn sure it was.

And none of that is ancient history or irrelevant for a gay man living in Indiana.


No. I have nothing against POC either. In that case I actually have something FOR them, as some have greatly assisted me. Now, homosexual people may have also helped me, but as it is difficult to identify them, I really wouldnā€™t know.

Oh, we all could tell storiesā€¦

Starting with, I dunno, hows about Roger Stone?


That you donā€™t know is on you.

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Thanks for the link. I donā€™t get what makes people gaga about himā€“even when I agree with him that, for instance, the Green New Deal is a loose set of benchmarks, not a plan, and offering a buy-in to some kind of public healthcare rather than abolishing private health insurance altogether is necessary, at least in the interim. I disagree with him vehemently that the party abandoned the midwest. Remember the auto bailout? Buttigieg apparently has. And remember HRCā€™s green economy focused on midwestern, manufacturing states? Buttigieg apparently has. What strikes me most when I listen to him is his preening self-regard. He may say it in a calm voice, but it is still breathtakingly arrogant to refer to oneā€™s own candidacy as, ā€œThis is what America needs.ā€ Iā€™m not buying what heā€™s selling.

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I donā€™t have a credit-debit sheet on him but my impression, at least from what Iā€™ve heard, is that a lot of these supposed skeletons are out-of-context things from more nuanced arguments, the decontextualizing having been done by people who do not have his best interests at heart. I know, crazy, right? Like when has that ever happened? Some of these candidates are well-known quantities and others we barely know, but I think if you go looking for similarities to Trump in Buttigieg you have your work cut out for you.


Well, arenā€™t you special??

In recent polling, 68% of voters said theyā€™d vote for a gay candidate.

Itā€™s time for you to sit all the way down and hush up.


Whereas a black President was a concept whose time had obviously come in 2008.