Discussion: Mayor Pete Buttigieg Makes His Move In Early-Voting States

5.2 million. Slightly ahead of Booker.
Released last week. Link:


He has consistently stated that he believes in the separation of church and state and that he serves people of all faiths or no faith equally.




Glad to see you have nothing against me. That phrase itself is something against me, it makes me out to be a separate species, not quite human or real.

Lots of ground still to cover to see who stands out, and I donā€™t think you are correct. I think the country is looking for sane, smart, younger, and kind. Donā€™t hink they care about his sexuality.

And in a community close to half Hispanic, I get no homophobia from the parents of the second graders I volunteer to teach to swim through their schools. In fact, I get it from a straight white co-worker and his wife. Not one of our Hispanic staff has an issue with me, or telling me my wife called while I was teaching.

And I live I a rural California town.


Thatā€™s fine. Maybe he could talk less about ā€œHis Creatorā€ when defending his LBGTQ status, and speak more about Constitutional protections for everyone in a modern society.

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Iā€™ve listened to at least four long interviews with Buttigieg, and he never mentioned religion at all in any of them.


Yes. She was born in Oklahoma; went to the University of Houston; taught for several years at UT-Austin and the U. of Michigan. Some of that had to have rubbed off on her re how she sees the world and thinks about how to talk about policy.


Read his book ā€œThe Shortest Way Homeā€. He goes into some depth about those topics. Borrow it from the library. The information is also readily available through Google.

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I also post over at Daily Kos and (for several years) Iā€™ve been lamenting the fact that progressives have been leaving a lot of votes on the table by not reaching out to the religious left. There are a lot of us out here. I think he has struck the right balance.

And yes, I acknowledge the damage done to the LGBTQ community by the religious right. But not all people of faith are assholes.


Just wait. Itā€™s coming! He probably just wants to save that reveal for this coming summer or autumn!


We will see as the long, long primary plays out. You may prove right, though I hope not. Changes in public opinion have a way of sneaking up on conventional wisdom, though. I donā€™t trust reasoning that goes ā€œXXX group of which Iā€™m not a member will never vote for YYYY because of ZZZZā€ ā€“ we donā€™t know that until we try. My personal experience is that in some large sense, most people no longer give a damn about other peoplesā€™ sexuality ā€” itā€™s a tertiary concern if that.
But Iā€™m a straight white guy, so what do I know?


I, for one, am happy to see a gay person talking easily about the faith that is part of them, and pointing out that itā€™s quite different than the Christianity spouted by Pence and the Evangelical right.

Many, many gay people are people of faith. Many know more than their co religionists, as theyā€™ve had to study like hell to learn about its history for an ability to stay part of it, when it may not have wanted them.

Those of us out for 40+ years tend to be less religious than our younger cohort, as religions have started to embrace us. We tended to leave any organized religion, for a personal faith based life, or to full on atheism.


She grew up in Oklahoma! OKC is hardly the sticks, but her family sure wasnā€™t made of money. And then she spent a lot of time in Texas. She is the real deal. It was something like three decades and two or three careers after sheā€™d graduated before she got involved in public policy.


Iā€™m an atheist and so long as he doesnā€™t claim his religious belief system to be the right or only life approach for everyone and he is willing to fight for separation of church and state, Iā€™m fine with him explaining his own way in life.


Hmmmā€¦ Atheist here too, and I get a completely different vibe from him.

Just goes to show you (and me and whoever else) that atheists arenā€™t a monolith either.


I feel like a lot of folks on this forum are trying to find reasons not to like Pete because theyā€™ve hitched their wagons to Biden, Sanders or other more established names already. Maybe itā€™s candidate fatigue already. Not every decision heā€™s made as mayor has been perfect or without consequences but even those are nuanced and debatable that he genuinely evaluates and discusses; at least what Iā€™ve seen so far. Iā€™m from MN and I love Amy as my senator but I just donā€™t feel as inspired by her candidacy as I do with Peteā€™s.


To be clear, I donā€™t think all people of faith are assholes. Far from it. But some politicians are better than others at finding ways not to make atheists grind their teeth when they mention religion. Obama had a good instinct for that.

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Buttigieg is getting front-paged a lot these days, but a lot of this is driven by reader enthusiasm for him. The comments overflow and are positive, even following a Fox news interview posted in their Youtube channel. See for yourself.

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Iā€™m an atheist and he doesnā€™t strike me the wrong way. I think many of us are conditioned to respond negatively to the discussion of religion by public figures because itā€™s been so abused and so nasty and exclusionary towards people who arenā€™t religious