Discussion: Mayor Pete Buttigieg Makes His Move In Early-Voting States

I think if anyone has done a proper analysis as to who would be willing to vote for whom, and decided that Pete has a shot at the election, it would be Pete’s campaign. As I’ve said in other threads: he doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who picks a fight he knows he can’t win. That means whatever bigoted subcohort you guys ramble on about being too anti-gay for him to win, it isn’t large enough to stop him if he gets the nomination. Maybe thats me putting faith in him when he might not deserve it, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.


Funny, I first heard about him because my white, liberal, professional, suburban women friends made him go viral! Yes, they would so so so work for him. [of course, these friends also live in the SF Bay area/Silicon valley, maybe don’t represent ‘real America’?].

In my anthropology days (yes, I spent way too many years in grad school) in the late 70s, there were studies showing that white men in the workplace, were more accepting & sympathetic to black men than white women (because ‘women’). So we concluded there would be a black male president before a white woman.

It is interesting to see that homosexuality has been enough accepted so that likely there will be a (white) gay male president before a woman of any flavor. But that also makes me a little sad.

p.s., #PledgeBlue


:boom: :heartbeat: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :boom:

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Yeah, I get that. I still can’t avoid certain reactions when I hear certain things. His comment to Mike Pence is what set me off:

“‘If you got a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me – your quarrel, sir, is with my creator’”

See, this is the kind of thing that goes down well in interdenominational dialog. But for an Atheist and science geek like me, it triggers two immediate reactions:

  • What the hell is this “creator” bullshit? It makes me want to ask him if he believes in the extended Darwinian theory of evolution (I’m sure he does, by the way, which makes the question even more interesting).

  • Phrases like that have a holier-than-thou tone to me, assuming his Creator is mine too,and if I’m not a believer then I’m damned. I’ve heard too much of that over too many years, and protected my kid from being traumatized by it, not to care about the language.

I know I’m reading a lot into it that Mayor Pete might not have intended. But he needs to learn how to talk about his faith without pissing me off, if he wants my vote (except in the general, where I’ll vote for a slice of pizza against Trump). And I suspect I’m not alone in this.


“A girl too impetuous to play it safe!” :joy:


What if it’s anchovy pizza? :wink:

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I think the fears about his electability are overblown but it’s not at all unheard of for a relatively young, relatively unknown individual to use a Presidential campaign as a means to raise his profile, angling for Senator or Governor, perhaps, or building the base for a future Presidential run.

I have no idea whether any of this enters into Buttigieg’s calculations or not; just saying that it is a possibility.

Wasn’t 43 the first short bus rider?

Anchovy pizza is pushing it, but against Trump I’ll hold my nose and check that box.


I’m a card-carrying Pastafarian for reasons related to yours. But as long as he strongly supports women’s autonomy, I will accept his religion.

I have honestly worried that, after we (women) were (I hope) allies for gay marriage, the gay men would abandon us as their persoal goal was achieved. I’ve been sorry to see a number of my gay male friends do various anti-Pelosi ‘new blood’ and ‘I like women, just not this woman’ dances.

The Kenyan had zero foreign policy experience and yet was one of our better Presidents. Ditto for Hillary’s husband. But this OWG is tired of voting for Old White Guys. Just surround yourself with folks who do have experience and who can speak truth to power. I am also tired of polemics and Presidents who go with their gut.


Looks like Buttigieg got a decent endorsement. Steve Grossman, former DNC chair.


Anchovy pizza is my first choice, but I realize I am on the radical fringe in this regard.

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The early whites in the 60s civil rights activism were Jewish. In the South, white Christians were late to the party, and poor white Christians rarely showed up at all. I think Plucky’s pie theory is balls on.

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Just so you know - even If I end up being out 40 bucks, I’ll still hoot and holler as if I won the lottery :tada:

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Heath Barkley - be still my beating heart :two_hearts:


He was a SENATOR. They deal all the time with foreign policy. He also worked for BLS, a CIA front company that did extensive work overseas.

He was a GOVERNOR, not a Mayor. Almost every President ever elected was a Governor before becoming President. None were Mayors. My point was that as a Mayor he needs to have a lot more going for him. Having zero foreign policy experience does not help. Plus as a Governor you are Commander in Chief of the states military forces.

I prefer to vote for a candidate I think is good, I’m not into identity politics. I didn’t vote for Obama because I was tired of voting for old white guys. I would also note that I voted for Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter. They were not old white guys either.

So if it comes down to 2 candidates for the Dem nomination and one is white male and the other is a minority of some kind, and the minority is polling horribly against Trump, you will still vote for them? If yes, get ready for 4 more years of orange.

Not this Shortbus…?

Honestly that doesn’t bother me in and of itself, but we have an abundance of great choices that aren’t limited by those factors. Biden was a good VP choice in 2008 because a lot of folks needed the reassurance of having a old, experienced white guy in there. He was a familiar face.

I think some of that nervousness has shaken itself out. Especially for those who look back and really regret not putting their trust in a woman. Not necessarily a lot, but some.

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Nope, that mistake was made in 2008 with Sarah Palin. Reducing Hillary to “just” a woman is frankly demeaning to all of us. She had an incredible resume coming in to that race any way you slice it. People didn’t vote for her gender, they voted for her.