Discussion: Majority of Republicans View Voter Fraud As A 'Major' Problem

… and after 9/11. The ACLU also objects to National ID cards for the same slippery slope reasons and potential discrimination.

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I live about 50 mile north of the Mexican border and I’ve voted at the same site for going on 40 years. I would assume that a GOPer would think all sorts of voter fraud would occur. Not the case. In all the time I quoted I know of two cases. Mostly it’s folks who forgot ID or were attempting to vote at thew wrong place. It’s not willful voter fraud and there aren’t hoards of illegals trying to vote. Consider: if you were here w/o a visa or proper paperwork would you risk getting caught by trying to vote? I don’t think so.


You could say that ANYTHING happened of someone’s watch. The World Series happened on “Obama’s watch” Is he responsible for the Cubs not being in it since 1908?
You are trying to say that the President of the United States and our Secretary of State are responsible for every act of terror or, conversely, any good accomplishment that happens world wide with your statement. I think you are wrong there. And your post is off topic unless you are accusing Obama and Hillary for any voter fraud that has happened since 1789.


Facts be dammed.

Oh and when there has been evidence of Voter Fraud it’s on the GOP side.

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You know who started Judicial Watch? Pa-leeze. Get a life. Your sources suck and only a fool believes whatever trash these people publish.

This is the founder of the rightwing loony group that calls themselves Judicial Watch:

This is a guy who sued his own elderly mother for $50,000.00. Give me a fucking break.


No surprise here. Any vote for a candidate who doesn’t share their fantasies or delusions is, by definition, a fraud to the typical modern day tea-bag republican.

Republicans believe whatever they hear on Fox News between their 5 PM red meat supper and their 9 PM bedtime. Forget about them because they are a lost cause. They are why this country has basically had only one governing party since about 1992 or so.

This has nothing to do with voter fraud and everything to do with suppressing black voters. These are just the new code words and nothing else. The spelling tests of old.

In person voter fraud is astonishingly rare because it is very dangerous (a felon) and is an inefficient way to rig an election.

It is much more cost effective to tip a close election by making it hard for people who would vote for your opponents to vote. Start by creating hurdles to voter registration since this impacts more transient people – a good step is requiring time consuming or costly original documents. Play dirty tricks - like targeting areas for voter registration purges close to election time. Then make it harder to actually vote - like requiring only certain IDs and have not enough working machines in minority neighborhoods. Throw in sundry disinformation campaigns, like posting wrong voting days and locations, and threats.

But all this is time consuming and does not insure an outcome. The better way to rig elections is to infiltrate the vote counting process.

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What a stupid poll. It basically allows people to remain mired in their ignorance, and just hear the scare words “voter FRAUD!!!1!” and imagine it to be as scary as the people peddling the fear want it to be.

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O’Keefe has tried to demonstrate it - but even an idiot like him stops short of actually doing it because it would be prosecutable - the actual number of case that can be documented is so infinitesimally small that it is laughable. and the actual cases are more often errors - or sloppiness - and it is beyond bizarre to think ‘voter fraud’ - the kind that the GOP wants to attack with rigorous extra ID, limited polling hours - it is truly insane to expect to find any significant fraud here - the places to watch are the processing centers / places where large amounts of votes are counted - and many of these may be GOP controlled areas -

I am endless shocked by how shocked and incredulous people are when you tell them that in-person voter fraud is virtually unheard of. They just don’t believe it because they assume the MSM would have told them (instead of framing it as a thing Democrats say.)

But I am not shocked to learn that Republicans expect “voter fraud.” Because in the minds of Republicans, elections are just quaint little civic rituals we go through to legitimate the Divine Right of Republicans to rule. By that standard, any election Democrats win is, by definition, “fraudulent” because Republicans are supposed to win all elections. Because God.


Flagged for off-topic—and relentlessly stupid-— trolling

Of the roughly 1 Billion votes cast since 2000, there have been 31 cases of in-person voter fraud.

Stop the presses!
Hold the mail!


Of course they do; they are idiots.

When they do poll voters on voter fraud I would love it if they asked when was the last election where you didn’t suspect voter fraud? In my state we don’t have early voting, and absentee voting is strictly monitored. I’ve voted at the same polling place since the late 80s. There have been times when they reduced the number of polling places, for local or county elections, but mine is the hub. I remember going with my Mom when they had the old fashioned booths that had a curtain and you pulled a lever. I think the electronic touch screens would create more chances of mistakes than fraud.

I’m against photo IDs, because there’s no reason a poll worker who wanted to, could look at a picture ID and say “that’s not you” in the same way they could look at a non-photo ID and say “It says John Q. Public II here, but it says John Q. Public, Jr. on your other ID.”

Photo ID is a solution in search of an exceedingly rare problem, unless the problem is how to suppress votes - it’s really good for that.

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I consider the act of preventing a US citizen over 18 from voting in the jurisdiction where they live to be voter fraud, and it’s a big problem. OK, most people would probably call it election fraud, Except for the ones who call it “the way we win elections.”


They don’t want national ID cards. The more local the better.

Just stop by your local KKK outfit and get your own low-cost ID card to verify your identity at the voting booth!

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Way off-topic, but someone who doesn’t know that Barack Obama was inagurated in 2009, not 2008, and will step down in 2017, not 2016, is not likely to bring relevant facts to the table.