Discussion: Majority of Republicans View Voter Fraud As A 'Major' Problem

I’ve wondered the same thing. Given the absence of actual evidence… actually, wait, scratch that… given the evidence of the virtual absence of voting fraud (which is much more definitive), why would any reasonably intelligent voter think this would happen? The idiots are pretty obvious… 'cause they’re idiots. But it doesn’t come close to explaining these numbers. Personally I think it can happen because of the “othering” of of the minority electorate; when one thinks of a certain kind of voter as belonging to an alien species (instead of being humans who share 99.95% of their values and motivations), it’s easy to ascribe almost any characteristic to them. “Rampant voter fraud” is a very small lateral step from “criminally inclined”. Because, you know how those n##clang!## can be! (okay, only the most extreme think that, but the gist is obvious)

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I have asked a couple of FB fools what they expected signed DT hats to contribute to the recovery effort. Will it put food on a waterlogged table? Remove the mud from the living room? How about bring back lost family members?

Yeah, didn’t think so.

Oddly, no one has ever responded to me on this.


A majority of Republicans believe voter fraud is a “major” problem, according to a new Gallup poll, even as in-person fraud is exceedingly rare.

make em define it and by define, make them state what should be considered voter fraud.

I would like to see that political cross reference of Republicans who participated in that poll. The primary reason being that there is no real difference between a Kasich Republican and a Trump one.


Most Republicans still believe that Sadaam Hussein had something to do with 9/11 to justify why we went to war in Iraq. They also still believe that Jade Helm was a takeover by our government, and Obama is the founder of ISIS. The crazy is strong with these folks…


Yes, but it is established that “a majority of Republicans” like a majority of those who attend a Ted Nugent concert are idiots.

Surprisingly, we have a relatively sane system here in Louisiana. You need either a state issued photo ID OR a picture ID with your signature on it OR you can sign an affidavit that you are who you say you are while providing your date of birth and your Mother’s maiden name. Since each voter signs in, only one person can vote under one name and the poll workers would quickly spot (and stop) anyone coming back a second time. If it works in this backwards bright RED state, I do not see why that same system cannot work everywhere. The only real voter fraud I do see is Republican legislatures gerrymandering districts to ensure a Republican majority in the House while simultaneously trying to disenfranchise anyone who wants to vote for the Democrats. Now that’s voter fraud.


Exactly. Criminals have something to gain by the crimes they commit. There is no personal gain from the extreme uncertainty that voting multiple times will have any substantive effect on benefitting someone else, let alone the one doing it.


29 percent believe it is not a problem at all

About the exact same percentage that resisted the lie that Saddam was involved with the 9/11 just because W repeatedly said those names in close proximity.

30% of the country is in touch with reality
30% batshit insane Trump base
40% squishy middle

Fucking pathetic.


36% of all people polled think Voter Fraud is a major concern? Seriously? 1 in 3 people are as dumb as a box of rocks.


Trust The Donald to provide assistance without using Real Dough.

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Back then they didn’t worry as much about Big Brothers From Another Mother.


I agree… GOP voters think voter fraud is a bigger problem than global climate change… So, our conclusion is and always has been that facts clearly have a liberal bias…

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But…I can still move to Chicago and be buried there, so I can keep voting Democrat after I die,right?

They have this view due to years of GOP propaganda and lies. There is ZERO actual evidence of wide-spread voter fraud. There are issues with fraudulent/incorrect voter registration but that’s not the same thing. I am coming around to Josh’s theory that Trump’s actual base of support is older white people who fear the loss of their dominance due to more immigrants, mixed marriages and their own early deaths. These are simply the death throes of the “white majority” in this country. Get used to it, people.


Aaaaah, the Big Lie. I’m pretty sure this one is their favorite right now. Faux News and the rest are working dfouble time to cause riots and violence in reaction to Trump losing.

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It’s really kind of ironic By demonizing the poor, dark skinned and immigrants, all of whom vote high disproportionately Democratic, it’s become harder for Republicans to do voter suppression stuff that passes legal muster. It’s ok, generally speaking, to make rule changes to voting that disproportionately affect one party or the other. But if it also disproportionately affects a protected class, like one race, it can’t sustain. Up in Michigan, the legislature passed a law to end straight ticket voting. Ordinarily the fact that more Democrats use straight ticket voting than Republicans do would be legally fine. But because AA voters vote 9 to 1 for Democrats, it disproportionately affects AA voters. Law struck down. Same thing for the new restrictions in North Carolina. The Republican party becoming a mono-colored party is affecting their ability to cook the system for voting.

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That’s why Crooked Hillary will vote as EVERY PERSON in Chappaqua! Dead or alive! She’ll vote 15 times for every name on the rolls – and she’ll NEVER BE CAUGHT!!! MUAH-HAH-HAH!!!

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These people believe in a Scandinavian Christ who speaks English. They believe Santa Claus is real and speaks English. They believe in an all-powerful all-knowing white God who rules the Universe, speaks English, and gives a damn for the fate of individual human animals on an obscure minor planet in a nondescript solar system in a galaxy that contains hundreds of BILLIONS of stars, maybe a trillion or more stars, in a universe than contains hundreds of BILLIONS of such galaxies, mayb a trillion or more such galaxies, rendering each of us not even worthy of being swept up in a rounding error. They believe the story of creation in the book of Genesis is factual, and even say that they believe the entire Bible is factual history. They reject science where it conflicts with their religiotic beliefs. They reject science even if they have no belief system. They are white racists, xenophobes, nativists and bigots. They are the North American continental equivalent of cargo cultists. They reject education and they reject tolerance.

So, learning that most of them believe voter fraud is real problem does not come as any surprise. They’ll believe any lie that makes them feel better about their beliefs or themselves, or provides any possibly support for their anxieties and resentments.

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Of course they do. They’re the ones responsible.