These Republicans have an “unnatural” predilection to using terms like “Jammed Down our Throat” and “Rectal Exams” to describe things they don’t like, yet they cannot stop talking about them.
Now with Little Lindsey, we understand, but with the rest of them, well, lets just say: “What you think about all the time is how you talk about things.”
It’s the same reason they automatically assume that everything negative is the result of a “vast conspiracy” against them.
What you do is what you think is done to you.
How conveniently they forget that Trump is the least vetted President in history, something that even Graham’s failed Presidential Campaign pointed out over and over.
As our President did not sit for a personal interview under oath with Mueller’s team, this was a hands-off exam. If anything, we should be complaining about the proctologist’s incomplete, medically-negligent partial examination that likely left major pathologies undetected.
And the results of those exams, unlike the Clinton’s for which Graham led the impeachment, found Trump to be a lying corrupt sleaze bag in league with the Russians and likely guilty of treason.
So, yesterday, I realized my consideration of my much-deplored senator has gone even lower than I thought possible. Once his minion-ism was fully revealed by his complete sucking up to Hair Furor, I thought my opinion had completely bottomed out. (Sorry! Couldn’t resist.) Because, I despise minions with a white-hot passion.
However, I now realize that Lindsey just isn’t worthy of that much energy. He has revealed himself to be a low-rent political whore, who’s pathetic self-esteem would be pitiable, if he wasn’t hell-bent on doing as much damage as possible to the body politic. He has allowed his diseased soul to rot into every fiber of his being. Sad. And disgusting.