Discussion: Lindsey Graham Laments Trump's 'Political Rectal Exam'

Austria’s “conservative” party imploded as well. Looks to be a growing phenom. I am taking names and ready to kick some ass. The GOP has some sins to answer for, not least the deaths of 5 children in their custody. Line em up, take em down.


Oh stop. It is obviously all that time Lindsey is forced to spend with those vulgar, unenlightened Macho dudes on his National Guard Weekends. Who look askance at the camera when being unwillingly photographed with him.


Seriously, I have no idea. While I voted for his opponent, back in the day (and every election since), I used to believe he had a core of decency. Now, … ? Not. A. Clue.


I just don’t get it. I remember Clinton’s impeachment and THAT was a two-year investigation into that President’s sex life.

I remember how ‘every’ single ‘House Manager’ which included Lindsay HAD to discuss how the Blue Dress got stained.

At the time it did not ‘occur’ to then-Congressman Graham that if ‘anybody’ had grounds to be freaked out it was all the discussion of Bill Clinton’s Peyronie’s Disease (bent dick) that should’ve sent BC off screaming into the night. (I remember HRC saying she honestly believed that the GOP impeachment managers wanted HER to have a nervous breakdown and she was NOT going to divorce her husband just because of THEM. So they ended up with lots of marital therapy and stayed together. ALSO his quintuple by-pass has slowed him down QUITE a bit. But that’s another story!)


Graham’s head is far up Dump’s orifice, he sounds septic whenever he opens his pie-hole.

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He said that Trump’s minions don’t need to follow Congressional subpoenas, a literal neutering of the very organization he’s a part of. Why would you simultaneously care about getting re-elected so a position and completely undermine the authority of that position at the exact same time? No, someone got to him.


Lindsay hated trumPP and all he stood for until he didn’t. This just adds to the “WTF” factor.


Ugh… I forgot he was an Air Force "Colon"el


“Fer Lawd’s sake, Ms. Lindsey! You should mind your particulars and not talk about the Current Occupant in that manner”


lol, so many devastatingly funny comments…thanks, folks.


Lindsey Graham ̶L̶̶a̶̶m̶̶e̶̶n̶̶t̶̶s̶ Fantasizes About Trump’s ‘̶P̶̶o̶̶l̶̶i̶̶t̶̶i̶̶c̶̶a̶̶l̶ Rectal Exam’

There, fixed the header.


Turtle was also very vocal in favor of releasing the Starr report because the country must know what a president’s misdeeds and crimes were. Now

Putin Accomplice Mitch McConnell Says Case Closed

“They told everyone there’d been a conspiracy between Russia and the Trump campaign,” he announced. “Yet on this central question the special counsel’s finding is clear: case closed. Case closed.”

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Man. He is a Southern Republican, who, in my lifetime were all Democrats until LBJ got the Civil and Voting Rights Bills passed. And then who all migrated to the GOP during the Reagan Era. I guess what kept them from doing it earlier was George Wallace’s independent run for President. But a core of decency is not something history teaches us to expect from this type. He has never been a Sam Ervin, Sam Nunn, or even a Howard Baker. Given his sniveling performance during the Brett Kavanaugh hearing and orchestrated whitewash, he isn’t even much smarter or subtle than Joe (You Lie!) Wilson, or the sanctimonious hypocrite Mark Sanford. Looking for decency in SC republicans is a lost cause. Until actual further notice.

Bottom line – I see what you did there, Lindsey!


In fairness to the proctologist, it’s hard to see anything in there with Lindsey Graham’s head taking up most of the space.

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Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi Lindsey.

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I guess Graham would prefer that the cancer spread and go undetected.

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Blue Dress Lindsey, to start with.

Every time he opens his mouth on this subject, someone should just immediately roll the video of Lindsey making his eloquent plea for cleanliness in the presidency in his speech on why they were going to impeach Bill Clinton.


Paging Dr. Nicolas Van Helsing. Dr. Helsing, please report to the Oval Office.

‘Political Rectal Exam’

Interesting choice of words there, Lindsey.