Discussion: Lindsey Graham Laments Trump's 'Political Rectal Exam'

For the sake of comparison, that would put Hillary in some SORT of twenty year rectal exam by Lindsey and the gang…also…for Trump it would be a full body exam since he is nothing but one big asshole.


As everything Trump touches turns to sh*t…

Seems Trump has, Wrecked…um the whole presidency


I hate to be contradictory but it has been over 30 years that they’ve been doing that to her.


Republican Party: a human centipede of ideas




I thought for sure someone would relate Lindsey’s comment to the size of Trump’s ass hole, but there you go.

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Why I included the “Blazing Saddles” source…

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I’m sure they found a big fecaloma with a lot of hamburger wrappers and maybe even a few secret memos Trump wanted to disappear (if Omarosa can be believed).

Yep. The movie was prescient.


My my, I do declare, I believe I may have a case of the vapors…

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A somewhat controversial album cover at the time in the early 00’s since it featured a prominent porn
I remember Fox having a kulturekamp over it particularly O’Reilly the loofah boy.
“Is there a porn rock connection?”


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A rectal exam would be done for a patient’s benefit. This was more like a “body cavity search.”

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[quote=“jacksonhts, post:95, topic:88213”]
and it’s Latex these days. Stop showing your age.
[/quote]What can I say but ‘ouch!’ :sunglasses:


You whiny a$$ POS…Honest to Christ. You tortured Obama for 8 years. You imposed a sequester because DAMMIT HILLARY OBAMA DEMOCRATS the debt/deficit was SO important and not going down fast enough (of course, we all know you were scared shtless the Dems would get credit so you sabotoged them), you whined about his birth certificate and when he showed you one you pivoted to his school transcripts. You have ballz to even PRETEND that this grifting, lying, Russia sucking sociopath has been subject to a ‘political rectal exam’. Disgusting.


A political rectal exam…

…to find where the witches live!!!

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Something he knows something about.

There has to be a proctologist among the doctors elected to the House and Senate.

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Does he not remember (what the great Charlie Pierce of Esquire has dubbed) the Great Penis Hunt of the 1990s? The hypocrisy is stunning.

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Because Kid Rock never ever ever was involved with anyone associated with Porn…and Ted Nugent’s garage isn’t a post WW2 print and video archive.

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If anyone is familiar with Trump’s rectum that is Ms. Lindsay that has spent the last two years probing it with his nose. And who know maybe Trump is also familiar with Lindsay’s.