Trump currently serves in the oval orifice…
Trump currently serves in the oval orifice…
It really is. I can’t figure out if he’s really that concerned about his next election or if there really is some blackmail out there or both. Something is clearly going on here.
Lindsey Graham has a crush on him. He doesn’t want anyone else probing matters.
Haven’t read comments, but I’m sure all the jokes have been made.
I’ve noticed that recently the pun fests break out pretty early. Used to be a late-night, or Sunday afternoon phenomenon. The anticipatory giddiness is showing. Pace yourselves, folks. It’s still gonna be a long bumpy road.
Graham sure has a way with words!
After two years of a political rectal exam, nobody has been looked at more than Trump
I know Lindsay, but the fucking media just won’t stop showing me Trumps face, I mean rectum, or whatever it is he pastes that orange comb-over to.
“This is just political revenge,” the Republican senator continued. “It is going to blow up in their face, and I can’t wait until 2020.”
I’m sure he would like someone else to take a turn with their mouth attached to Trumps ass. I bet his jaw is getting mighty tired.
Not mention what Trump had done to the Nation.
Oh man, if there is one bodily function or area little Lindsey should NEVER mention is anal, rectal, or anything that draws attention to his latent desires, desires he has always strongly disputed!
Poor Lindsey, revealing his innermost thoughts!
As there is two of them, they have both covered…
'Taint nothing they don’t have covered.
Lindsey has four cheeks to powder.
I don’t want to perpetuate horrible analogies, but what were the 7 Benghazi investigations? Pap smears?
They’re now renaming it Preparation L…
Allow me to retort. Trump didn’t even show up for an interview. That’s far short of a rectal exam. But I am confident that getting a look at Trump’s tax returns and other financial docs will be just the kind of rectal probing that Deputy Dawg is slobbering about.
In the immortal words of John Paul Jones,
and it’s Latex these days. Stop showing your age.
The golf game with PeePee and Miss Lindsey in Oct 2017. Graham flipped in one day.
Donald loves golf courses for the same reason Tony Soprano did.
Even Benny Hill would say, “Crikey. No way. Too obvious. I’m not that lazy a writer.”
Rather have the rectal exam then what ever procedure Lindsey graham had to have his spine removed ¯_(ツ)_/¯
If Trump was truly subject to a political rectal exam then the whole country would have polyps or worse.
Shit in, shit out.