Discussion: ‘Life After Sarah’: Unofficial Shortlist Of Possible Replacements Emerges

Or the Washington Generals.

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FaKE News! SaraH will NEVer leave. She’s ADOREd by the PREss and the AMerican PEOPLE.


What is your point regarding your comment on her appearance? I’m not following your train of thought in relation to the topic or anything else for that matter.

Maybe his publisher gave him a $20 giftl card just for such occasions!

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I agree. And unlike Sarah, he didn’t boldly assert the lies as truth. He often said. “well, that’s the president’s belief” or “that’s what the president has said.” He distanced himself from the lies a little.




Nah, Lying for the state department is different than lying for Trump. Trump drops some whoppers that are just impossible to walk back. The state department is just garden-variety GOP bullshit

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Surely,the job market is replete with lying ,immoral self serving tools…the Don demonstrates these traits everyday to horrific effect…

I guess this signals the end of the second season of The Apprentice: White House Version - cannot wait to see who they have cast for the role in the third season.

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Wouldn’t a big-screen capture of the Orange One’s Twitter feed be more informative? But as faces go, hers is a good fit for this administration.

One step closer to Idiocracy

Did you read the comment I replied to? My point was that she shouldn’t be criticized: directly or implicitly, for being ‘ugly’.

Another victim of Trump, another variation of the Trump Con.

The Victim: She obviously is in very close communication with her boss, since he writes a lot of her copy. Whether she actually talks to the Orange Blobular Mass or not, her Trump number must be very small (number of edges in the shortest path to Trump restricted to edges between people in direct communication). She’s just been formally notified by HR that her most recent employee evaluation is poor, lacking in proper office apparel (ill-fitting half-buttoned white sweater partially obscuring bulky Black Swan or White Flower blouse), verbal communication skills (too many Ahs), and tact (she’s a little too obvious in how she shut down questioning by feigning ignorance or lack of time or needing to allow many reporters to participate at the expense of fewer follow-up questions). In other words, she’s been weighed by appearance, voice, and sophistication and has been found too heavy for the podium. On a positive note, she is a pretty good counter puncher herself, a cross between Kellyanne Conway and Reince Priebus, and she really knows how to milk that indignant Christian martyr act. She’s just not quite ready for the big leagues, but she’d be reasonably capable as a CNN pundit to play off against Don Lemon and Angela Rye, so I would place her in the Better Box.

The Con: Trump sized up Sarah in about four tenths of a second. Very earnest, very religious, obviously evangelical, has some daddy issues, gives off the same vibe as Pence and Priebus. Extremely mission oriented, actually enjoys martyrdom and is ready to give her life in service of preventing the mass slaughter of babies by lefties and settlers by terroristic arabs. With her political familial ties and evangelical earnestness, she should be easy to corrupt not knowing she’s been corrupted. She has no offensive skills at all, but she shields herself well with that Kellyanne Conway/Reince Priebus/Pence Snotty Christian Martyr vibe she’s got going. I can teach her the art of the put down, and she can internalize that however she wants to. I don’t want or need to know how exactly. She ought to have a shelf-life of one entire season, although getting her through the finale will take a lot of hand-holding by our staff. See if Cohen thinks we can write that off.

Exactly: he was fired because he couldn’t lie with sufficient conviction. He retained some vestiges of a conscience.


Newly minted Communications Director Bill Shine has reportedly privately asked friends and allies for their thoughts on who could replace Sanders

He went on to add … “Only world class liars, please. They must to be proficient in long distance lying and spur of the moment lying, and able to produce either at the drop of a tweet.”


It does not matter what she looks like.

The fact is every word out of her mouth is a lie. And she’s proven that there is no lie she will not tell for her Master. Just like her Dad lied about why he let Wayne Dumond and Maurice Clemmons out of prison so they could kill again.

And yet she calls herself a “Gawd-fearin’ KKKristian”


Regarding Sarah’s future career, many organizations need a professional liar to work in a public relations role. But a sneering, revolting, see-the-tell-right-in-her-face-every-time-she-lies liar, not so much.


After watching a recent clip of a State Department presser that looked surprisingly LIKE a real State Department presser it is hard to imagine Heather Nauert wants to end her career now.


unpleasant or repulsive, especially in appearance.
“the ugly sound of a fire alarm”
synonyms: unattractive, unappealing, unpleasant, hideous, unlovely, unprepossessing, unsightly, horrible, frightful, awful, ghastly, vile, revolting, repellent, repulsive, repugnant; MorE

I think we deserve bettter

Life after sarah??