Discussion: ‘Life After Sarah’: Unofficial Shortlist Of Possible Replacements Emerges

new boss will be same as old boss…liar following liar

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What a great SNL skit.

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Focus. This is more fluffy stuff.


I thought Shah was on his way out, too?

Ex-Fox employees are about the only ones who would take it, as they will always have Fox to go back to after they crash and burn.

Anyone else sees it as likely career suicide.


I hear Satan is on the short list.


Don’t you mean the 1919 Black Sox?


I cannot wait for SHS to fade quickly from our memories…

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You don’t get it. It’s not the story that matters it’s the opportunity for comments, and TPM has the bestest of the whole internet.


Actually no. He’s currently on his book tour.

Not sure how that’s going for him, but he’s still sucking President Plump’s micro-penis. When he can find it.

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She’s ugly on the inside.
And that IS relevant.


The difference between Spicer and Sanders is that there was a sort of mildly endearing aspect to his desperate daily performances. Yes, he lied to the country too and he should never work again, but Sanders’ viciousness, the oozing contempt she has for the media and the American people are genuine and barely contained. Spicer got up there and repeatedly lied to the American people because he had to do so to keep his job (which isn’t really much of an excuse). She does it because she likes it and she wants to. I suspect that Spicer is someone most of us would’ve found pretty likeable in a social setting before he joined the administration. I’m guessing Sanders, on the other hand, would be stewing in a corner, insulting the host’s decor, making fun of the other guests, and trashing the host’s children. If Spicer can’t find a job, Sanders won’t be able to find a friend.


Oh indeed, I’m sure that’s a constant whirlwind of activity for him. For instance, on August 5th he’ll be at the Toledo Library. The glitz! The glamor! When the event’s over they’ll probably gather up some admirers and go eat at the new Olive Garden everyone’s so excited about.


Hannity: What about me?


I actually read during his tenure that people who knew him in his former role thought he was an OK guy and pretty straight with them. He tried to lie because that was the job, and yes, it never seemed like he had his heart in it. Sarah is far more deeply awful, and as my own mom always said she didn’t learn it on the streets. Dear old Dad is hateful liar himself, absolutely unscrupulous in his hateful partisanship.


Sean stood up at the podium and ate a shit sandwich every day. It was sad and funny in its own fucked up, desperate way.

SHS stands up at the podium and shoves shit sandwiches into the mouths of her children and she makes us watch. It is gory and horrifying.


I hear there is an appropriate new gig for SHS: Mouth of Sauron…

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When I initially saw this (pre-morning caffeine) I read it as LIE after Sarah.

But I guess that’s true too.


Qualifications: be a good liar, blond, good looking female.

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Actually, she seems polished and professional compared to the collection of clowns and grumps they’ve put out there. My fear is she’d be able to present the administration’s hate and lies agenda with a more palatable spin.


All of these people have shown a willingness to lie for the President even when the WORLD can see it’s a lie. Every day is another opportunity to hoodwink the American people. They make me sick.