That thread yesterday was simply the most fun I’ve had in a while. Didn’t need to contribute, just sat back and was entertained.
It’s like Lindsey writes his own ugly rumors…
But I’m seriously interested in Noelle, having been shunned a few times myself.
I’ve been trying to send you a link to a story from the British online tabloid, The Daily Mail, from 10 February 2015 about Noelle’s legal problems which were vanished by John Ellis. HAL might be lurking because it’s not working. But if you’re interested, you can find it yourself easily enough. The moral of the story is if your shit is weak, you want a father like him.
Did anybody ask Jeb if he feels the same way in 2015?
The teen birth and pregnancy rates are the lowest on record and dropping most every year. That’s not because we’ve gone too far. Until birth control is free and accessible to every woman or girl who needs it and until abortion services are inexpensive and accessible to any woman who needs one, we haven’t gone far enough.
No hyperbole — George is the smarter brother.
Eureka! HAL’s been vanquished.
all tax free
These people are just plain stupid. If they want to lower the number of people getting abortions, this is not the way to do it.
Speaking fees are income and are taxable as such.
One of the reasons Bushes are starting wars and
more Bushes are walking away from fiscal obligations is that
there is no longer a stigma attached to this behavior, no reason to feel
shame. Many of these Bushes look around and see
their friends engaged in the same irresponsible conduct. The citizens
have become ineffective at attaching some sense of ridicule
to this behavior. There was a time when voters would
frown on poorly thought out policies and when public condemnation was enough
of a stimulus to be careful.
Yet the kooky right-wing press won’t let Saul Alinsky die, insisting he’s controlling the President and the Next President from beyond the grave and is very, very alive and front and center in 2015 – 43 years after his death.
No its not. Not even remotely. COMPASSION is what permits those things. Shame is a useless, destructive, debilitating emotional interaction that is more about the petty, regressive needs of the people doing the shaming…which generally include establishing superiority and control…than it is about the needs of the person being shamed. It shuts people down, shuts people out and shuts people away. It does none of what you say.
Did shame stop LGBT people from existing? Did shame stop suffrage? Did shame stop the civil rights movement? Did shame stop the sexual revolution? Shame never works. Oh sure, it may delay the inevitable by freezing those who might otherwise act in an emotional timewarp, but its scars run deep, are slow to heal and, generally, come with their own problems to supplant the ones you thought to fix in the first place, deterring self actualization and progress.
There is no question to which shame is an answer.
The most immediate and long term result of public shaming pregnant unwed mothers will be to greatly increase abortions.
That is the harder you make the choice to have a child the more people will choose abortion, legal or not. That is the only proven way to reduce abortion is choice, choice of jobs and job training, choice of education, health care, daycare and choice of where you are in society. Public shaming is more than just saying “shame on you slut”. Public shamming affects a woman’s ability to get housing, education and jobs.
Which brings up another interesting point, Bush does not say anything about shaming guys, the other half of the pregnancy.
Three additional words: Dan “Potatoe” Quayle.
Didn’t see that but saw quite a bit of Daily Mail Bush coverage. I read a pretty amazing bio of Columba. The control they wield is evident in the lack of domestic coverage of stories that would normally be ripe for the grist mill.
–Just saw your link…
It’s not just pregnancies–shame is the proper attitude toward all aspects of despicable poor people:
In the same chapter of the book, Mr Bush also suggested that shame was a good motivator for the unemployed to seek work.
Why would they want to lower the number of abortions and risk losing one of their main wedge issues?
But Jeb, how can we shame your drug-daughter if we don’t trumpet her crimes and sins in the press? Oops, I forgot, she’s rich and white–we need to show the utmost sympathy and respect.
And here I’d thought Prescott and Dubya were as low as you could go. Silly me.