Discussion for article #237323
Once a bully always a bully
Picture it, Wichita, KS, 1968,I was 17, my father telling me to get out because I had ruined HIS family. This was after months of scared hopelessness and terror that I might be pregnant, knowing that PEOPLE LIKE JEB BUSH wanted for me to be ridiculed and terrorized. I remember a sign on my chest, hung from a chain of pipe cleaners, saying “I bite” that I was forced to wear all my third grade year. My mom helped me to put glitter on it one Saturday, just so I could be more comfortable wearing the sign. You can imagine what the other children thought.
FU, Jeb Bush, I hope you get what coming to ya!
Because compassion. Right?
There was a time when neighbors and communities would frown on out of wedlock births and when public condemnation was enough of a stimulus to be careful.
Won’t anyone think of the children bastards?
Teen pregnancies would decline if we would publicly shame teen and unwed mothers
Soon to make a comeback, central square stocks.
However, just “Mothers” make sure the “Fathers” can slink away…
There was a time when neighbors and communities would frown on out of wedlock births and when public condemnation was enough of a stimulus to be careful.
Nice. He wants to ban abortion, even in cases of rape/incest, and then turn around and shame the woman/girl for doing exactly what you’ve been preaching she should do. It’s not the pregnancy you want to shame, it’s the sex outside of marriage. And you want to blame the woman/girl, not the man/boy, for having sex. Same ole misogyny, different spin.
I can’t see how shaming these kids is going to do anything other than have them seek out the abortion providers that the GOP is trying to outlaw.
I also don’t see how shaming a pregnant girl is consistent with a culture that respects life - if anything, it further reduces her to, if you’ll pardon the language, a “broodmare.”
What then?
Typical christian nutjob…shame shame shame…what would Jesus think…you should be ashamed of yourself…wear this scarlet letter blah blah
In my simple cartoon mind, I always tend to sort of divide it up as Christians doing the shaming and Jews doing the guilting…that latter being more like “look what you’re doing to your mother” (have to say that in the Long Island accent)
No one is born a bastard. You have to work at it. For example, Jeb Bush.
And I’m sorry, but I absolutely do not read that passage from him as intended to be about how we deal with teenage pregnancy and single-motherhood. Follow this:
First of all, we have to start from the obvious premise that he’s talking about minority communities, because that’s what these fuckers think when you talk about these issues and, frankly, that was simply a few sentences in a row of the kind of conservative claptrap we hear on a regular basis about “what’s wrong with these people.” It’s not even particularly high-pitched as dogwhistles go…hovers near the range of normal hearing…and might as well have been taken right out of the same page as the recent nonsense we read about whoever it was calling it a “cultural problem” and “where’s their parents” and such with respect to people rioting in Ferguson or Baltimore.
Second, shame is about something outside being directed inwards towards the person and that the target knows of and feels the scorn directed towards them that their actions have engendered in others (whereas, one might argue, guilt is about something inside being directed outwards).
Third, once you understand what I’m getting at in #2, it becomes more than readily apparent that what this is, is a call for more fervent shaming of the minority community from everyone who is “outside” of it. That’s all this is. “shame on them brownies…shame shame shame…let them know it and feel it and be demeaned for their behavior…it’s the only way ‘they’ will learn and it’s ‘our’ burden to teach them.”
Maybe I’m reading too much into it or overthinking it, maybe I’m not, but seriously…if you read those few sentences quoted and it didn’t immediately cilck in your mind that you were reading the same shit they blabber non-stop about the “inner cities” etc., then you haven’t been paying attention.
What do Barbara Bush and Sarah Palin now have in common?
They both think JEB is a jackass…
I was thinking more along the lines of they are both past “the change,” but yeah, that’s probably fair enough too.
Two words:
Bristol Palin. Bristol Fuckin’ Palin. (OK, that’s three.)
I want JEB to go right up to her and call her a whore to her face. Then I’ll get on board with his admonitions. Until then, give it a break. We all know that if his rehab ridden daughter got knocked up, you wouldn’t hear from her in the time it takes to get and recover from "a D&C.’
Boy was she ever!
Probably the most important reason why my daughters did not get pregnant. No shame but sex education and access to birth control pills. The abstinence and shame crowd would rather take their chances and hope their daughters just give blow jobs. If shame worked, none of those girls would have “disappeared” when I was growing up.
Whatever happened to Noelle Bush?
Jeb is right. An unwed pregnancy might be courageous if a woman has been working and saving and finds herself in her mid thirties with enough saved to support herself and her child until she can go back to work; then she might choose to get pregnant while she still can.
In any other case, single and pregnant is stupid and irresponsible and worthy of shame. Shame is what permits society to help her thru the crisis and provide the resources she did not provide for herself and her child without setting her up as a role model. If you put yourself in a situation where you expect the rest of us to support your bad decision, don’t expect congratulations and a pat on the back for stealing the opportunity that others work hard to earn.
My bad. I was under the impression at one point that Bush was the smarter one. Just another dumb Bush.