Discussion: Jeb Bush’s Solution To Unwed Pregnancies: ‘Ridicule’ Young Mothers

Jebbie keeps busting the myth that he’s “The Smart Bush”.

Criminals. Every one of them.


The only thing that makes sense is - simply that - Jeb does not really want to be president - he does not want the long term scrutiny and responsibility that would come from being elected… so he will be come a pandering jackass who gets tons of contributions, sits on boards, and pull in huge $$ for speaking.


If this man (just once!) had sex when he was a teenager, he needs to shut the fuck up NOW!


Get back to us with your shame agenda when all birth control methods are 100% EFFECTIVE.


I might agree with you if there was universal access to free birth control or universal sexual education programs or if shame actually worked. It just makes some people feel better, but it doesn’t address the underlying issues nor does it help singles mothers, and it’s especially damaging to their children because that shame is often extended to the child.

It’s also incredibly misogynistic in that it’s the women and girls who face the stigma of shame, while the boy escapes all judgement. The shaming also tends to be a whole lot more about a single woman/girl having sex than it is the actual pregnancy. All too often the very same people who want to shame the hell out of a woman for having sex and getting pregnant, a burden only women bear, are also the very same people who would high five a man for “getting some”. And, let’s not forget, the person being shamed for her pregnancy may very well be a rape or incest victim


It almost seems unfair to Republicans. It’s only June, and we’re already seeing a record year in the war on women. Democrats campaigning on women’s issues will be like taking candy from a baby.


Jeb has no reason to feel shame for the actions of his siblings.

Says the son of privilege who can’t even come up with an original name for his book.

Would a scarlet letter be sufficient or do you think she should have her head shaved by her father and the video posted on Youtube?


In addition to Columba’s reluctance, he must consider their 36-year-old daughter, Noelle. Her struggles with drug addiction burst into the headlines 12 years ago when she was arrested, but she has since dropped almost entirely from public view.

Reporters covering him won’t bring it up since it happened so long ago.


And it’s a lot cheaper than making sure they get real sex education in the schools? Maybe more effective than abstinence education? If nothing else, Jeb knows how to cast stones at others?


I noticed back in 2005 she wasn’t in the Imperial Family Dubya birthday shot…


Quite a colorless group of people. Everything is either black and white in their world? The kid with the red bow tie is obviously a Leslie Graham Republican?

I’m no apologist for Jeb, but he said this 20 years ago. Does he still believe this? Also, pointing out the consequences of teen pregnancy to me isn’t the same as shaming. Shaming is saying, “hey, you’re an unwed mother and slut!! for shame!!”

I’m all for improved access to birth control and better sex ed (no abstinence training) because I don’t think teenagers should be having children. In some ways we’ve gone too far to the other side - making it seem too normal to have a child while in high school.

That said, Jebbie is still a butt munch and I’ll never, ever vote for him. But get him on the record of his views NOW - ask him about birth control access. Ask him about abstinence training and other conservative BS.

I don’t like Jeb, his brother, or his mother or father, but I don’t think the quoted section says we should ridicule unwed mothers now. I think he is clueless, but I do not think he, with a daughter who has been in and out of drug rehab and a wife who lies on customs forms, both of whom would have been subject to ridicule (and Columba is getting her fair and justly deserved share now) is calling for ridicule to protect against unwed pregnancies.

I just hope the kid’s alright, I hoped she was alright back in 2005…brutal to be shunned by family.

The woman next to John Ellis is Columba who hates campaigning, hates everything about it, and we’ll see very little little of her. But no matter, There are all the others who will surface and act like a plague upon the nation.

In 2005 she was incarcerated in an aggressive “rehab” center, and possibly (I don’t recall the exact timing) she was in even more trouble for having “somehow” managed to get hash smuggled into her. Assuming I’ve got the timing of all that correct, and I wouldn’t for an instant be surprised that the Bush family was "shaming her with exclusion, I also expect the “rehab” center denied her any opportunity to get out for any reason.

It would be vastly more interesting to see some in-depth reporting on the “rehab” center she was incarcerated in. My expectations are that it is about as legit as Marcus Bachmann’s Gay-Away “clinic.”

When I look at that portrait of diseased sociopaths, I can only think that Noelle was born into even greater misfortune than I was, and I’ve been through some wretched shit and Hell and back again. Her problems most likely stem directly from the sewer of a “family” that some hideously cruel “god” tossed her into as some sort of insane prank.

Another rotator, perhaps?

It’s surely an interesting untold story…