Discussion: Jeb Bush’s Solution To Unwed Pregnancies: ‘Ridicule’ Young Mothers

I’m appropriating that.

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The GOP loves to ridicule women and focus on unborn children. The GOP seems to have forgotten there is another person involved in this matter. The GOP should give the men involved just as hard a time as they do the women, but they never do.

The GOP does not care at all about the child after it is born. GOP family values seem to end at birth. GOP is not interested in day care, sick day care, early childhood education, children’s nutrition, children’s health care, good schools for children, common core education standards, college for children. The GOP makes cuts to all of these attempts to help children be productive working members of our society.

Yet when a woman says I can’t earn enough or get enough benefits to have a child, the GOP treats them like dirt for trying to be responsible. Then if they have the child, the GOP treats them like dirt for having the child. Nothing at all said about or expected from the men involved.


He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone?

That’s lun-GUY-lund.

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Condew should write that 500 times on the chalkboard.

Chilling. Just chilling.


And this.

Shaming people? Really? Hasn’t worked on Wall Street CEOs or those who lied us into Iraq.


Talking about campaign related money nothing about speaking fees.

What a mean, mean person. Worse than GW.

Should we be shaming his wife and children for their arrest records?

And seriously he has to be dumber than Rick Perry to wear those ugly glasses.

Conservatives are incapable of feeling shame.

If you haven’t been paying attention.

How about some shame for corporate wrongdoers, like Halliburton, BP, Chevron, GE, coal companies, fracking companies, and on and on. Conservatives only look at individual behavior, while ignoring for-profit crimes that hurt us all.


Careful, my ass. Bush proposes no sex before marriage with government just the folks to make sure we all obey that law.

Further, Bush’ plan to stop unwed pregnancies is to undercut the self-esteem of new mothers. In other words, punish the infant.

Someone should just come out and ask…are you now or have you ever been fucking brain dead and are the people who are about to waste billions of dollars on your “campaign” aware that you have the IQ of a pin~ata? Please do us a solid and bow out.

Have you run this by Sarah Palin yet?

Single moms everywhere: Show up en masse to Bush’s campaign events and just point and laugh.

I was going to make those points myself, but then noticed that you had, once again, made them all and made them better than I likely could have.

@Condew would be wise to consider whether the mother in question was actually provided the resources she needed by society to begin with, by which I mean education and access to birth control… Obviously that’s more applicable to teen mothers than to unwed mothers as a whole, but the two overlap significantly.

That’s because the use of shame isn’t really about preventing unwanted teen pregnancies, and Jeb Bush knew it. It’s about blaming teen mothers for broad, systemic problems, rather than the politicians who enact those policies.

This would have been a great article is the above had been presented as the thesis statement and the rest of the article written in support of it. TPM needs an editor

Please keep talking, Gov.Bush, it is so fascinating to hear you talk…

Yet he sent his daughter off to rehab when she had her issues. Wonder if she was ridiculed?

If we want to deal with genuine threats, and if ridicule is indeed an effective strategy, then it makes much more sense to ridicule the Bush crime syndicate and their Saudi pals.

Not as worthy of shame as making blanket statements out of willing ignorance of specific circumstances and sympathy with a filthy politician’s desire to enrage those who are vulnerable to bigoted codespeak.

Assume your talking about her having sex as a young person. It is a force of life, it feels good, it happens. I really think one of the solutions of the worlds problem is to do more of it, if the human race all became brownish then “that difference” would be solved.